I currently have a problem with suming the costs from tables across multiple sheets where the tables are of varying size.
Each sheet, 'sheet1' to 'sheet10' for simplicity sake, has a simple table consisting of two columns, 'Item' and 'Cost'. Each row contains a certain item and it's respective cost. The bottom of each table then has 'Total' in the item column and the sum of the total costs in the 'Cost' column.
However, each table on each sheet has a varying number of rows. This means on 'sheet1' the total may be in B5 and on 'sheet2' it might be in B7.
I need to sum all the total costs from 'sheet1' to 'sheet10' in a single cell.
I tried using the =SUMIFS formula with a 3D Range but I discovered that you can't use this formula with a 3D Range.
The only solution I could think of is to use a loop that goes through each sheet in turn, searches Column A for 'Total' and then adds the cell next to it to a running total. Is there a better way then this?
Any help will be much appreciated!