Periodically when a cell is updated I need whichever of the 10 to 20 satellite workbooks to post three cells to the receptionist's workbook.
The receptionist's workbook is normally open, but if it is not, I have included code to test and open it.
Because we are only posting three cells I expect the action to be very fast (I hope).
The receptionist never will alter any cell in the receptionist workbook, only view.
Receptionist normally will have receptionist workbook open when a satellite workbook must activate it and write to it.
Because of the relative lack of frequency, the chances of more than one satellite workbook needing to access and write to the receptionist workbook are remote, but it is possible (Over the course of a full day, perhaps a total of 200 writes to the receptionist notebook are expected).
What problems can I anticipate and program to avoid (and how if you can!)?