I have been experiencing some problems with this hieranchy: Range.Offset.Range, and I would like to know if anyone knows why this could be happening. I have several ways to make my function work, but I would like to know if there is an specific reason for such error.
Here's the thing: I am using a range called "MPOS_XX", where XX is an integer between 01 and 30, as relative reference. Then I need to work with some data near this range. In order to ease the syntaxis, I decided to assign this offset to a Range Object. The last three rows of the code reflect what I do. This function is not used in the worksheet, it is used in a module.
The problem is that whenever a run my code, error 1004 appears! Curious thing: If I go to the workbook and select the worksheet WS_02, the code runs smoothly without problems.
Before you post any comments, be aware of the following:
This is not what I intend to do! This syntasis references a different group of cells from what I need.
Hope anyone has an idea.
In case you need to run the code, you will need this function:
In case you need the workbook, it is attached to the message.