I have a spreadsheet that is being used to book leave. There are certain cells on the worksheet that are open to the user e.g. Name, Contract type etc. Further down is the area where they request leave. So in column B is the date from (where they have to enter the date in a certain format and column C/D (these are merged due to formatting of the worksheet) contains the date to etc. At the end in column AP there is a column for the manager to make their decision (this is protected from the user like most of the other cells.
What I need is once the manager has made a decision i.e. they have selected either "Accepted", "Rejected" or "Cancelled" from the drop down and protected the workbook again the row where the decision has been made is locked. Or more specifically the cells that the person could once amend e.g. with the dates etc, is no longer editable. This will hopefully prevent someone from changing the dates after they have had it approved.
I have looked on various forums/web sites but cannot find the specific code for my purpose and I did wonder if the merged cells (as mentioned above) were causing part of the issue?! Any help is greatly appreciated!