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VBA Send Email and Files to Recipients On List

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hobbiton73 VBA Send Email and Files to... 03-17-2014, 05:04 AM
Solus Rankin Re: VBA Send Email and Files... 03-17-2014, 10:23 AM
hobbiton73 Re: VBA Send Email and Files... 03-17-2014, 10:39 AM
Solus Rankin Re: VBA Send Email and Files... 03-17-2014, 01:48 PM
hobbiton73 Re: VBA Send Email and Files... 03-18-2014, 03:40 AM
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    VBA Send Email and Files to Recipients On List

    Hi, I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please.

    Using a tutorial I've found here: I'm trying to put togther a script which runs through a list of potential email recipients and where the signal is set to "yes", attach two files and send an emal to the chosen recipient.

    The format of the sheet is as follows:

    Column B - Recipient Name
    Column C- Recipients Email Address
    Column B - Recipient Name
    Column D - Send Email Signal
    Columns E-F - Links to files to attach

    The code below is the script which I've put together so far:

    ***UPDATED CODE***
    Sub Send_Files()
    'Working in Excel 2000-2013
    'For Tips see:
        Dim LastRow As Long
        Dim OutApp As Object
        Dim OutMail As Object
        Dim sh As Worksheet
        Dim cell As Range
        Dim FileCell As Range
        Dim rng As Range
        With Application
            .EnableEvents = False
            .ScreenUpdating = False
        End With
        Set sh = Sheets("Sheet1")
        Const StartRow As Long = 4
        Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        For Each cell In sh.Columns("C").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
    'Enter the path/file names in the C:Z column in each row
            LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
            If LastRow >= StartRow Then
                Set rng = Range("E4:F" & Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
            End If
            If cell.Value Like "?*@?*.?*" And _
            LCase(Cells(cell.Row, "D").Value) = "yes" And _
            Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng) > 0 Then
            Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
            With OutMail
                .to = cell.Value
                .Subject = "Testfile"
                .Body = "Hi "
                For Each FileCell In rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
                    If Trim(FileCell) <> "" Then
                        If Dir(FileCell.Value) <> "" Then
                            .Attachments.Add FileCell.Value
                        End If
                    End If
                    Next FileCell
                    .Send  'Or use .Display
                End With
                Set OutMail = Nothing
            End If
            Next cell
            Set OutApp = Nothing
            With Application
                .EnableEvents = True
                .ScreenUpdating = True
            End With
        End Sub
    I've tried to adapt the code at this point so that the range starts from row 4 until the last row:

      For Each cell In sh.Columns("C").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
    'Enter the path/file names in the C:Z column in each row
            LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
            If LastRow >= StartRow Then
                Set rng = Range("E4:F" & Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
            End If
    I can recieve the email without a problerm, but the attachments are not attached to the email.

    I just wondered whether someone could possibly look at this please and let me know where I'm going wrong.

    Many thanks and kind regards
    Last edited by hobbiton73; 03-17-2014 at 06:25 AM.

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