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Code to copy data from another workbook where offset cell equals "none"

  1. #1
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    Code to copy data from another workbook where offset cell equals "none"

    My workbook stores data related to items that are all tracked by barcodes. Im using the following code (as part of a larger set of code) to copy data from rows 6 on in column D, E & G to K from one workbook to another. The data in F (Item Names) is found using a formula, by matching the barcode data in the corresponding G cell (on the same row) to another sheet (where the barcodes and Item names are stored). When the data has finished copying over and EnableEvents gets turned back on the F column mostly automatically fills itself in from the formula. The issue I have however is in certain circumstances there are some items that either dont have a barcode, or the barcode is missing. In this case the user types "none" (not case sensitive), which opens a userform allowing the user to type in an Item name that gets entered into the F cell, overwriting the formula. I need to copy this data over separately to the new workbook. Im looking for code to find these records from row 6 on (either by searching for rows where G equals "none", or rows where F has no formula, and then copy the data in F over to the other workbook to the corresponding row number but offset by the number of records already present in the active workbook (currently being calculated by wbReturnDataLastRow).

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    wb is the ActiveWorkbook that the data is being copied to
    mybook is the workbook that the data is being copied from


  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Code to copy data from another workbook where offset cell equals "none"

    You can use HasFormula property and check all cells in range

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    Best Regards,


  3. #3
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    Re: Code to copy data from another workbook where offset cell equals "none"

    Thanks Kaper. I tried the following, and while it proceeded with no errors, it didn't copy anything. It just went to the first available cell in the F column and removed the formula:

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    If this code was working would it copy to the correct corresponding cells on the active workbook? The data should be copied to the same row number on the Active workbook, offset by the number of rows currently already present. So for example if active workbook (wb) contains 4 records then if data is copied from row 20 (on my book) then it should be pasted into row 24.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Code to copy data from another workbook where offset cell equals "none"

    Hi James,

    1) I think Range was not correct:
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    2) you copied only if .Hasformula but pasted always
    3) pasted all the time to the same location Range("F" & wbReturnDataLastRow) I added increasing of the row number. Try such code

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  5. #5
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    Re: Code to copy data from another workbook where offset cell equals "none"

    Thanks Kaper, that correctly copies all the cells in range that dont contain a formula, however its just pasting them into the first available F cell, all in a line together in that column, rather than pasting them in the corresponding row numbers (offset by number of existing rows).

  6. #6
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Code to copy data from another workbook where offset cell equals "none"

    As quite often, attached sample workbook with some input data and shown expected "manually created" result would help a lot. If the below does not help, I honestly suggest you post one.

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    I removed
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    because seeing just a part of the code I was not sure if mybookReturnDataLastRow is set at all, which could lead to strange behaviour.
    So it would raise alert if there is a problem.

  7. #7
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    Re: Code to copy data from another workbook where offset cell equals "none"

    Sorry I should have posted a sample workbook from the beginning.
    That worked great. I just had to tweak the calculation to find the row number to paste to, as both of those items (wbReturnLastRow and mycell) were factoring in the title rows, so I just added -6 and then it lined up perfectly.

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