Hi All,
How to get the outlook contacts for the organization using excel macro vba.
Hi All,
How to get the outlook contacts for the organization using excel macro vba.
have a look here:
Click on the star if you think I helped you
Hi Adyteo,
Thanks for the response...I have seen the post which one you posted.But that is related to send mail to manager.But here my need is I want to get the details of a employee when click the employee ID.The macro which should retrieve all the details which are present in the outlook properties window..
1.General tab information
2.Organization information
Phone/Seat information
The macro should fetch and display all the outlook property details present in the Outlook properties window.
Thanks in advance.
you wanted the info to be displayed where? I am not sure I know all the fields to display all the info. the oones I know are in the thread mentioned above
Hi Adyteo,
Thanks for the reply.The details should be displayed in the macro embeded work sheet itself.
The details requirement:
The option should be present in the macro where i need to enter the employee id ad hit run to retrieve the result.
The macro should call the oulook properties window and should retrive all the details present in the emloyee outlook properties window.If i fill 10,20..N...number of employee id and hit run means it should display all the employee's outlook properties details should display.This is the challange here.
Thanks in advacne.
try to use this code:
Sub GetOutlookInfo() On Error Resume Next Dim I As Integer Dim ToAddr As String Dim ActivePersonVerified As Boolean Dim ol As Outlook.Application Dim DummyEMail As MailItem Dim ActivePersonRecipient As Recipient Dim oAE As Outlook.AddressEntry Dim oExUser As Outlook.ExchangeUser Dim oPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor Dim AliasRange As Range Dim RowsInRange As Integer Dim intAreas As Integer Dim shtCurrentSheet As String 'check whether the selection is contiguous or not. if not, exit sub intAreas = Selection.Areas.Count If intAreas > 1 Then MsgBox "Please select a contiguous area, you curently selected " & intAreas & " areas. You can have multiple cells in a single area." Exit Sub End If 'create a new sheet and copy the selection there shtCurrentSheet = ActiveSheet.Name Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = tmpSheet 'random name, see function below 'add column names Cells(1, 1) = "email or Name" Cells(1, 2) = "Name" Cells(1, 3) = "email address" Cells(1, 4) = "Department" Cells(1, 5) = "Job Title" Cells(1, 6) = "Office Location" Cells(1, 7) = "Company" Cells(1, 8) = "Telephone" Cells(1, 9) = "Manager" Range("A1:I1").Select Selection.Font.Bold = True With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter End With 'copy the names into the new sheet Sheets(shtCurrentSheet).Activate Selection.Copy Sheets(Sheets.Count).Activate Range("A2").Select ActiveSheet.Paste 'code taken from: 'http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/183a9b77-7f5a-4afc-91e6-fbe2914c5f78/extract-data-from-the-global-address-book-with-vba?forum=outlookdev 'Instantiate Outlook Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'E-mail aliases are in a named range "aliasrange" 'Assign the named range to a range object 'Set AliasRange = Range("aliasrange") Set AliasRange = Selection 'Create a dummy e-mail to add aliases to Set DummyEMail = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem) RowsInRange = AliasRange.Rows.Count 'Loop through the aliases to retrieve the Exchange data For I = 1 To RowsInRange 'Assign the current alias to a variable ToAddr ToAddr = AliasRange.Cells(I, 1) 'Use the alias to create a recipient object and add it to the dummy e-mail Set ActivePersonRecipient = DummyEMail.Recipients.Add(ToAddr) ActivePersonRecipient.Type = olTo 'Resolve the recipient to ensure it is valid ActivePersonVerified = ActivePersonRecipient.Resolve 'If valid, use the AddressEntry property of the recipient to return an AddressEntry object If ActivePersonVerified Then Set oAE = ActivePersonRecipient.AddressEntry 'Use the GetExchangeUser method of the AddressEntry object to retrieve the ExchangeUser object for the recipient. Set oExUser = oAE.GetExchangeUser 'Write the properties of the ExchangeUser object to adjacent columns on the worksheet. AliasRange.Cells(I, 1).Offset(0, 1).Value = oExUser.Name AliasRange.Cells(I, 2).Offset(0, 1).Value = oExUser.PrimarySmtpAddress AliasRange.Cells(I, 3).Offset(0, 1).Value = oExUser.Department AliasRange.Cells(I, 4).Offset(0, 1).Value = oExUser.JobTitle AliasRange.Cells(I, 5).Offset(0, 1).Value = oExUser.City AliasRange.Cells(I, 6).Offset(0, 1).Value = oExUser.CompanyName AliasRange.Cells(I, 7).Offset(0, 1).Value = oExUser.BusinessTelephoneNumber AliasRange.Cells(I, 8).Offset(0, 1).Value = oExUser.Manager End If 'Remove the recipient from the e-mail ActivePersonRecipient.Delete Next I ExitOutlookEmail: Set DummyEMail = Nothing Set ol = Nothing 'autofit columns Columns("A:I").EntireColumn.AutoFit Range("A1").Select End Sub Function tmpSheet() As String Dim sLetter(8) As String, sName As String Dim iLetterType As Integer Dim I As Integer sName = "" For I = 0 To 7 iLetterType = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 3) Select Case iLetterType Case 1 sLetter(I) = Chr(WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(65, 90)) Case 2 sLetter(I) = Chr(WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(97, 122)) Case 3 sLetter(I) = Chr(WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(48, 57)) End Select sName = sName & sLetter(I) Next tmpSheet = sName End Function
Hi Adyteo,
Thanks for the code.When am trying to implement ..its throughing error..like "Comile error-User defeined type is not defined"
Can you please share me the excel which code implemented..
What excel version are you using? if it is 2007 and newer, what you have to do is open VBA editor (Alt-F11) and then click on Tools --> References and look for Microsoft Outlook xx.0 Object Library (where xx could be 11, 14, etc). once you check that library you will be able to run the code.
Hi Adyteo,
Thanks much.It is running with out any error..After run it is displaying only the Below item in the respective cells.even after entering the employee id of our employees it is not showing the result and detils of the oultook properties window.And am using Ms office 2010..
email or Name Name email address Department Job Title Office Location Company Telephone Manager
The above thing is only displaying..Can you please look into that issue and help me on the same..
you need to select the names you want the macro to get the info for: e.g. A2:a% you have 4 names (or email addresses). Select A2:A5 and then run the code.
Hi Adyteo,
Thanks for the advice..
Its running perfectly...But it is not retriving the "Seat NUmber" for the employee..present in the Phone/Seat tab of the outlook properties window..If i want all the information present in the out properties what i can include in the code.
Hi Adyteo,
Here Particularily i wan to display the "Seat Number" present in the outlook properties window.Can any one take a look and help me on the same.
I do not know the filed name for that "Seat Number". I am sorry.
OK adyteo..Thanks for the info.Is there any website to serach that item ..pls share here..Else what i can do if i know the filed name.
you just need to add it to the code besides the other fields. If you find it, come back to the forum and post a new message in this thread.
Sure..BTW that anyone in this forum find that Seat number query means .please post.
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