Leith, that worked perfectly for placing in the desired destination columns, so thank you! I am SO close to locking this down (with your expert assistance of course).

I managed to take that additional change along with a little deeper study into what your code was doing (ok, some serious very slightly educated guessing at best!) and modify for the additional scenarios I outlined in question 2) above, so I think I'm good there after running those and spot checking the results.

Couple final questions (hopefully) on the line of code towards the end that was clearing contents:
DstWks.UsedRange.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents
Did you include that as a safety measure to ensure if the results were smaller on a "refresh" that there would not be extraneous data in the results?

I ask because when I run my other similar summing scenarios for unique products to store and unique accounts to store that place those results in columns E & F and I & J respectively, it wipes out my original scenario's results that were in columns A & B, which I don't want to happen. Is there a way to modify that code line to only clear the contents of the columns on the destination sheet AND leave the column headers in place?

When I delete the line of code, then that's not an issue but then I run the risk of keeping "old" data on a refresh if I don't remember to clear previous results.

Thanks much again,