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combobox - count if

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    combobox - count if


    I have Userform where I have checkboxes. So far I had VBA code to tick checkboxes If there was countIf=2...I want to change that to tick checkboxes If whole string (text) from one cell is selected, and only a string from another is selected. Example in column E :

    If E3 is "MIN1", and E4 is "07:00-19:00" - checkbox ticked !... but I want string "07:00-19:00" to be selected If string begins Like "0*" !

    my code so far :

    Private Sub CboDate_Change()
        Dim lngRow As Long
        Dim lngIndex As Long
        Dim lngCol As Long
        Dim lngRes As Long
        Dim lngArr As Long
        Dim varItem As Variant
        varItem = Array("MIN1", "MIN2", "MIN3", "MIN4")
        lngCol = CboDate.ListIndex + 5
        lngRow = 3
        With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
          For lngIndex = 0 To LstUsers.ListCount - 1
            LstUsers.List(lngIndex, 1) = .Cells(lngRow, lngCol)
            LstUsers.List(lngIndex, 2) = .Cells(lngRow + 1, lngCol)
            lngRow = lngRow + 4
          Next lngIndex
          For lngArr = LBound(varItem) To UBound(varItem)
            lngRes = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Range(.Cells(3, lngCol), .Cells(318, lngCol)), varItem(lngArr))
            If lngRes = 2 Then
              Controls("checkbox" & lngArr + 1) = True
            ElseIf lngRes > 2 Then
              Controls("checkbox" & lngArr + 1) = False
              MsgBox "More than 2 assignments for " & varItem(lngArr) & "A", vbExclamation
              Controls("checkbox" & lngArr + 1) = False
            End If
          Next lngArr
        End With
    I Have attached sample worksheet, but I don't know why isn't working, I copied from mine. Can't upload mine worksheet, It's size is over this forum regulation (1.2 Mb).
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