
I have a spredsheet with sheet "masterdata" and a userform - "form1". The userform is used to enter product specific data e.g. Length, Width, Quantity, Thickness etc into specified fields in "masterdata". This data is then used to do further calculations specific to that product.

We have 5 products:
1. Desk
2. Storage Unit
3. Desk with Pedestal
4. Side Runner
5. Side Runner with Drawer

These 5 products have some common parameter fields e.g. Width, Depth, Height, Quantity, Thickness and some unique fields which are specific only to that individual product e.g. Side Runner with Drawer will have a "Drawer Height" input field (text box) which wont be required for Desk. Based on the input in these fields, I have formulae in masterdata which will workout sizes for individual component in that product. e.g. if I input W x D x H details for a Desk, it will workout sizes for individual component like Top Size, Left Side Size, Right Side size etc. which is displayed in labels on the same userform.

I am trying to figure out a way where I can select a product from a drop-down list in a "Combobox" and the userform should show only relevant input fields for that product. Also, only the specific labels showing individual component sizes for that product will be displayed on userform.

I have separate cells in masterdata that have calculations for individual product. When I select a product in combobox, I want to be able to link those specific cells to the data I enter after that.

Can someone help please !! Any help would be really appreciated.

