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Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

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laxmananm Import datas form multiple... 03-03-2014, 03:22 AM
jmac1947 Re: Import datas form... 03-03-2014, 03:41 AM
laxmananm Re: Import datas form... 03-03-2014, 03:45 AM
laxmananm Re: Import datas form... 03-03-2014, 03:55 AM
jmac1947 Re: Import datas form... 03-03-2014, 03:55 AM
laxmananm Re: Import datas form... 03-03-2014, 04:08 AM
alansidman Re: Import datas form... 03-04-2014, 08:37 AM
laxmanann Re: Import datas form... 03-04-2014, 08:48 AM
laxmananm Re: Import datas form... 03-05-2014, 05:26 AM
laxmananm Re: Import datas form... 03-06-2014, 02:19 AM
JBeaucaire Re: Import datas form... 03-06-2014, 11:11 AM
  1. #1
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    Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

    Hi all,

    I am trying to create one macro tool for consolidation of reports.If you wish to help Please reply to this thread.
    i will send you the needs and sample sheets for reference.

    I have the below sheets..

    1.Consolidated_Master sheet.xlsx
    2.Month Sheet_X1
    3.Month Sheet_X2

    like wise i have 30+ sheets in my folder.But i need to maintain only consolidated sheet for my reports.

    My requirement:

    In Month wise sheet having datas and i need to copy and paste the particular row dats into the specific consolidated sheet
    row.i have 7 tabs in my consolidated sheet.But in the month data sheet i have 4 tabs.But all the required column datas are
    present in the month wise sheet for various projects(like X1,X2..X30+..).

    Main thing here is by using column name (As a reference) i need to collect and paste the into a conslidated data sheet(By
    a single click using macro).Rest of the cells having formulas which will calculate the report automatically.

    Lakshmanan M

  2. #2
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation


    please take the time to read the forum rules.

    This is clearly a duplicate post on the same subject and is against the forum rules.

    You should mark one of the threads as "solved" (see thread tools in the op right corner of your original post) and continue with just one thread.

    So far you seem to have avoided the forum moderators who keep watch for this type of issue


  3. #3
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

    Sorry the the more inconvience Jamc1947.

    But my thread/Queries are not getting solived still..Please do help me on the same..

    Expecting your positive reply..


    Lakshmanan M

  4. #4
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

    Quote Originally Posted by jmac1947 View Post

    please take the time to read the forum rules.

    This is clearly a duplicate post on the same subject and is against the forum rules.

    You should mark one of the threads as "solved" (see thread tools in the op right corner of your original post) and continue with just one thread.

    So far you seem to have avoided the forum moderators who keep watch for this type of issue

    HI Jmac1947,

    Can you please look into my requirement and help me on the same.Bcoz i have posted and still am waiting for the reply..But i could not get a even a single reply..

    Please do the needful.

    Lashmanan M

  5. #5
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

    The correct protocol is to wait at least a couple of days (2-3 days) and then post a further message on the original thread (this is called bumping) and wait another day at least before trying to bump again.

    All the volunteers who respond to posts are just that, volunteers.

    We all have other jobs and we try to help when we can.

    I will take a look at the spreadsheets you attached, in particular at what code you have already tried to build that isn't working for you.

    You must appreciate that this forum is not a "build you a solution for free" forum (there is a commercial forum where you pay for the solution but I don't know a lot about that) but somewhere that you can get advice / suggestions about a specific problem that is causing you a problem.

    just for starters, have you tried to record parts of your problem by capturing the manual steps and then analysing the code generated??


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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation


    Sorry for the distrubance.Pls forgive me for my mistake.Yes it was my bad.
    And thanks for the response...Yes i have tried the code for my Master sheet.But im getting Column error when run the script.

    PLease find the below code for your review:

    Option Explicit
    Sub ConsolidateRandomColumns()
    Dim wsData  As Worksheet
    Dim wsCons  As Worksheet
    Dim wbSrc   As Workbook
    Dim Col     As Long
    Dim NumCols As Long
    Dim ColFnd  As Long
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim NextRow As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set wsCons = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Consolidated Data")
        NumCols = wsCons.Range("1:1").SpecialCells(xlConstants).Columns.Count
        NextRow = wsCons.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    Set wbSrc = Workbooks.Open("C:\XXXXXXXX\Source.xls")
        On Error Resume Next
    For Each wsData In wbSrc.Worksheets
            LastRow = wsData.Cells.Find("*", wsData.Cells(Rows.Count, Columns.Count), _
                SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            For Col = 1 To NumCols
                ColFnd = wsData.Range("1:1").Find(wsCons.Cells(1, Col).Text, _
                    wsData.Cells(1, Columns.Count), xlValues, xlWhole, _
                    SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Column
                If ColFnd > 0 Then
                    wsData.Range(wsData.Cells(2, ColFnd), wsData.Cells(LastRow, ColFnd)) _
                        .Copy wsCons.Cells(NextRow, Col)
                    ColFnd = 0
                End If
            Next Col
            NextRow = wsCons.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        Next wsData
        wbSrc.Close False
        Set wsCons = Nothing
        Set wbSrc = Nothing
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    This is the link i have attached my files:


    Thanks in advance and sorry for the more difficulties.

    Lakshmanan M
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 03-06-2014 at 11:09 AM. Reason: code tags

  7. #7
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

    Code Tags Added
    Your post does not comply with Rule 3 of our Forum RULES. Use code tags around code.

    Posting code between tags makes your code much easier to read and copy for testing, it also maintains VBA formatting.

    Highlight your code and click the # icon at the top of your post window. More information about these and other tags can be found at http://www.excelforum.com/forum-rule...rum-rules.html

    (Because you are new to the forum, I have added them for you today. Please take a few minutes to read all Forum Rules and comply in the future.)
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  8. #8
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

    Hi all..

    sorry for all the mistakes i did..Actually am new to this forum.Here after i will take care of my comments and all..

    I have added my posts here.

    Any help appreciated.

    And i have modified my subject..Please take a look in the below URL:


    Lakshmanan M

  9. #9
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation


    Is any one one there to solve my issue..

  10. #10
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

    Hi All,

    Below is my requirement.Please help me on the same.

    -I have set of files in one directory.Also im going to palce that consolidated sheet in the same directory.The monthly files(For Name shake i have mentioned X1,X2..)have datas in multiple sheets (like 4 tabs).In my directory m going to place 30+ excel files which consists the data thats required for consildate the sheet in the consolidated sheet.The consolidated sheet also having multiple tabs.But using 4 tabs of data present in the monhtly sheets is enough to fill out the consolidated sheet.The main this here is the consolidate sheet macro should go every sheet and search and pick the particular data and paste it in to the consolidated sheet.
    The consolidated sheet having column names same as present in the monthly data sheet.But in the monhly sheet having names in various shell.
    Here we should use the consolidated sheet column name as a primary reference and serach the monthly datas sheet and pick and paste into consolidated sheet.

    -Like wise i need to update all the monthly datas into consolidated sheet using monthly sheet.

    See,The monthly sheet having all the required sheet.In consolidated sheet leave the first tab and other 6 tabs i need to update by the use of monhlty sheet.
    And also ignore the Activities and assumptions tabs in the monhlty sheet.

    -So here we are consider the below sheet for consolidation..

    Consolidation sheet: Last 6 tabs
    Monthly sheets:ist tab and 3 tab.

    -In monthly Sheet using 3rd tab the macro should update the Effort tab of the consolidation sheet.Other tabs should get the data from first tab of the monthly sheet (Raw data sheet)

    -Here we need to just pull the data from monthly sheet to consolidation sheet by using macro for consolidation (By the reference of the colum names present in the consolidation sheet in various tabs) The consolidation sheet macro should earch and pick the data wherever present in the monthly sheet (any way here we are goin to use two tabs for data fetching) and paste under the particular column name.We include forumulas to consolidate overa all data finally.Here the main thing is data fetching.

    I have placed my files in the below URL.Here im not able to attach my files as we are not upload any document from office machine.


    Lakshmanan M

  11. #11
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Import datas form multiple excel files to master sheet for consolidation

    I'd suggest you edit your post above, GO ADVANCED, and use the PAPERCLIP icon to attach those same file to this thread.
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
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