Hi all,

I am trying to create one macro tool for consolidation of reports.If you wish to help Please reply to this thread.
i will send you the needs and sample sheets for reference.

I have the below sheets..

1.Consolidated_Master sheet.xlsx
2.Month Sheet_X1
3.Month Sheet_X2

like wise i have 30+ sheets in my folder.But i need to maintain only consolidated sheet for my reports.

My requirement:

In Month wise sheet having datas and i need to copy and paste the particular row dats into the specific consolidated sheet
row.i have 7 tabs in my consolidated sheet.But in the month data sheet i have 4 tabs.But all the required column datas are
present in the month wise sheet for various projects(like X1,X2..X30+..).

Main thing here is by using column name (As a reference) i need to collect and paste the into a conslidated data sheet(By
a single click using macro).Rest of the cells having formulas which will calculate the report automatically.

Lakshmanan M