I am keen to see if someone can give me a tip on how I sort a problem I have with a sheet. My CRM software spits out data where each organisation can have multiple tags. The organisation and the tags are exported as follows;
OrganisationName BusinessPhone MobilePhone WorkEmailAddress Tag1 Tag2 Tag3 Tag4 Tag5 Tag6 Tag7 Tag8 Tag9
Abc Company 1234 1234 abc@wine.com.au P3 T232 T233 T236 T238
Xyz Company 346 346 xyz@wine.com.au T232 T233 T238
Smith and Associates 65577 65577 smith@wine.com.au T232 T233 T236
After Hours Wine 987 987 after@wine.com.au T232
I want the data to appear as below (so if there is five tags in an organisation then I want four rows inserted below the original row and for the tags to appear vertically in one column. I also want the Organisation name and and other details to be listed adjacent to every tag)
OrganisationName BusinessPhone MobilePhone WorkEmailAddress Tags
Abc Company 1234 1234 abc@wine.com.au P3
Abc Company 1234 1234 abc@wine.com.au T232
Abc Company 1234 1234 abc@wine.com.au T233
Abc Company 1234 1234 abc@wine.com.au T236
Abc Company 1234 1234 abc@wine.com.au T238
Xyz Company 346 346 xyz@wine.com.au T232
Xyz Company 346 346 xyz@wine.com.au T233
Xyz Company 346 346 xyz@wine.com.au T238
Smith and Associates 65577 65577 smith@wine.com.au T232
Smith and Associates 65577 65577 smith@wine.com.au T233
Smith and Associates 65577 65577 smith@wine.com.au T236
After Hours Wine 987 987 after@wine.com.au T232
Any assistance appreciated! I have also attached an excel file which has a "data" tab and a "resultant data" tab. The "data" tab is the data as downloaded by my CRM and the "resultant tab" is how I would like the data to look. Thanks in advance.