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Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

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    Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Hi Everybody!

    I'm new here and new with VBA as well. I'm trying to create a Dictionary of Dictionaries with the following code:

    Dim dic As Dictionary, e, s
    Set dic = New Dictionary '<- main dictionary
    Set dic(a) = New Dictionary

    where dic(a) stands for 100 baby dictionaries that I'm trying to fill by looping the variable a from 1 to 100. It turns out to be not feasible. Do I have to Set all dic(1), dic(2), dic(3)...dic(100) individually which works? Since using a variable for those baby ones would be extremely easy for downstream analysis, I'd really appreciate it if someone could help on this.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

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    Why would you want a dictionary of dictionaries, as opposed to a collection of dictionaries?
    Last edited by shg; 02-25-2014 at 07:22 PM.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    for child dictionaries within a parent dictionary
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    not clear what purpose a collection would serve in this context that a dictionary doesn't

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Thanks a lot shg! I got more sense about the keys of the baby dictionaries.

    Why use a dictionary of dictionaries, instead of collection of dictionaries? Just based on what I know so far. By reading about this topic, I learned that a dictionary has many advantages and convenience over a collection. However, it is the first time for me to use dictionary. I really don't know the difference when they have babies. Would you think a collection of dictionaries is better?

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Great Kalak! This makes the layers clear. Thanks a lot. Would you recommend something to read about dictionary of dictionaries? I could not see much online. My next step is to identify similarities among the items in these baby dictionaries and have not really figured out what would be the best way to do it. Any suggestions?

  6. #6
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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Would you think a collection of dictionaries is better?
    You can access a collection by index; a dictionary only by key.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodo123 View Post
    ... Would you recommend something to read about dictionary of dictionaries? I could not see much online. My next step is to identify similarities among the items in these baby dictionaries and have not really figured out what would be the best way to do it. Any suggestions?
    There's not that much that I know of, although in general a dictionary of dictionaries shouldn't be too different from a dictionary of anything else. Also, the fact that you raised the topic implies you must have some idea of just why you did so.

    For more information, there's a good summary of dictionaries by snb here http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Dictionary_en.html , which also has something to say about indexes and keys.

    It's unclear just what you mean by
    "... identify similarities among the items in these baby dictionaries ..."
    What kind of similarities?
    Could you be more specific?
    Example perhaps?

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by shg View Post
    You can access a collection by index; a dictionary only by key.
    Thanks again. I'll look into it.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by kalak View Post
    There's not that much that I know of, although in general a dictionary of dictionaries shouldn't be too different from a dictionary of anything else. Also, the fact that you raised the topic implies you must have some idea of just why you did so.

    For more information, there's a good summary of dictionaries by snb here http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Dictionary_en.html , which also has something to say about indexes and keys.

    It's unclear just what you mean by
    "... identify similarities among the items in these baby dictionaries ..."
    What kind of similarities?
    Could you be more specific?
    Example perhaps?
    Thanks for the link. I actually went over about half of the content yesterday and checked the topics of the other half. It is a very comprehensive summary and very useful. Unfortunately, no direct info about dictionary of dictionaries. Probably I may refer the way they use to handle dictionary of arrays.

    Sorry about the confusion caused by my description about my next step. It is a research project. What I need is to:

    1. Store all data into dictionaries one a data set.

    2. Compare between each pair of the dictionaries to identify identical items (and different items as well) using something like the MATCH function in Excel (suggestion of a better method?)

    3. Split the items in each of the two dictionaries into two groups (identical ones and different ones between the two dictionaries). I will need to store the groups into new baby dictionaries.

    4. Compare items in each with those in the remaining 99 dictionaries and to further split the groups.

    5. All 100 data sets need to be analyzed in this way. Therefore, the number of combinations will be huge (any better idea than combination?).

    6. The final groups should be undividable---indicating that items in each of these final groups co-exist in the nature.

    Note: the Items in each data set are a part of a big data set. Items co-exist in the nature have less chance to be divided into different subsets.

    Hope this is clear
    Last edited by Dodo123; 02-28-2014 at 02:06 AM.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Reiterative post - content was removed

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by shg View Post
    You can access a collection by index; a dictionary only by key.
    Please take a look at #9. Your suggestions are appreciated.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    You describe the steps of an algorithm. More generally, what are you trying to do?

    It seems there should be a much easier way.
    Last edited by shg; 02-26-2014 at 11:21 AM.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by shg View Post
    You describe the steps of an algorithm. More generally, what are you trying to do?

    It seems there should be a much easier way.
    It is something like this: I have 10 rulers of 1000 cm, all labeled by 1001 distinct letters in a given order but not alphabetic, 1 cm/letter. That means you won't be able to figure out the order of the letters by simply reading the letters. However, the letters are in the same order for all 10 rulers.

    I chop each ruler into 100 segments at random points and mix the 100 segments together. I have a way to identify the letters in each mixture (not on the segments). After analyzing each mixture, I only know there are 1001 letters in it and won't be able to know the order of the letters.

    Now, if I divide the 100 segments into 10 subgroups for each of the 10 rulers. After identifying the letters in each subgroups, I should be able to recover the original order of the letters based on the fact that adjacent letters tend to "travel" together in the subgroups and based on the information of overlapping segments from different rulers (Note, no overlapping segments can be generated from the same ruler).

    Interesting? Look forward to your suggestions.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Some kind of DNA alignment thing?

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by shg View Post
    Some kind of DNA alignment thing?
    Haha, similar. Any suggestions?

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    What does the source data look like? What does the output look like?

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by shg View Post
    What does the source data look like? What does the output look like?
    Hi shg,

    Sorry about replying you late. I didn't notice this 2nd page. The source data looks like these (only 6 subgroups from two rulers are shown):


    Where each R+3 digit number represents the number in the real order. ID is the "letters" on the ruler, but numbers are used instead here . Although the ID's are sorted based on their numeric values, they don't implicate anything about the real order of the "letters." G: subgroup; and "+": present.

    I don't have a clear idea about the output format yet. It would be ideal if the output looks like these:


    You can see now, although the real order has not been recovered, the "letters" are grouped into segments with adjacent "letters" grouped together. Eventually, we should be able to deduce the order of the letters like this, in which the real order is recovered:


    I tried to paste the tables in text in case you want to play with them. However the format can't be kept. So, they are all in images.
    Last edited by Dodo123; 02-27-2014 at 12:39 PM. Reason: format of tables cannot be kept

  18. #18
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    You can post a workbook.

    Are those two examples side by side in each case, or two parts of a single example?

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by shg View Post
    You can post a workbook.

    Are those two examples side by side in each case, or two parts of a single example?
    These are two samples side by side. I tried to post a workbook but could not find how. Now I know. Here we go (in Excel 2013)!
    Attached Files Attached Files

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Is that two examples or one? If it's two, please get rid of one, and show the steps that transmute one set of inputs to one output.

    Then I'll ask the logic applied at each step.

    Please consider that only one of us has any clue of what you have or are trying to do.
    Last edited by shg; 02-27-2014 at 03:29 PM.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Those are two SAMPLES in one EXAMPLE. Remember, we have 10 rulers (two are shown in the spread sheet) each was chopped at random points into 100 segments. The 100 segments are mixed first and then subdivided into 10 subgroups (6 (columns) are shown here. There are should be an average of 10 segments in each subgroup. Only one segment in each group is shown in the sheet. The steps to transmute the input information to output would include the follows:

    1. Ordinarily, we may take a pair of "letters" (say 121 and 123) identified from the same subgroup (a column in the worksheet) and then ask if they are co-present among the subgroups from other nine rulers. If their co-present rate is significantly greater than the expected based on random combination, they are considered to be from the same segment, and otherwise, from different segments.

    2. After exhausting all pairwise tests, letters of the same segment origin can be identified and sorted into segment-like form like what you see in the left two panels in the 2nd sheet, "Output & Final."

    Note: The number of pairwise combinations is large. There should be method(s) similar to or better than the MATCH function that does not require pairwise test.

    3. Run the same test for all subgroups from all 10 rulers so that letters in each group can be grouped based on their segment origins. At this point, you can only subdivide the letters based on their segment origins and don't know the order of the segments.

    4. Work out the order of the overlapping "segments," for example

    12 24 56 6 from one subgroup of ruler 1 and 56 6 897 25 from a subgroup of ruler 5 can be used to assemble the order of

    12 24 56 6 897 254 based their overlapping letters of 56 and 6.

    5. Extend the segment assembly until the entire order of the letters are worked out along the length of the entire ruler.

    These steps are what I can imagine. There might be modifications as the programming goes.

  22. #22
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Those are two SAMPLES in one EXAMPLE. Remember, we have 10 rulers (two are shown in the spread sheet) each was chopped at random points into 100 segments. The 100 segments are mixed first and then subdivided into 10 subgroups (6 (columns) are shown here.

    [shg] On what basis are they assigned to subgroups? The + in the column is the subgroup assignment?Why are the column orders different in the two samples?

    There are should be an average of 10 segments in each subgroup. Only one segment in each group is shown in the sheet. The steps to transmute the input information to output would include the follows:

    1. Ordinarily, we may take a pair of "letters" (say 121 and 123) identified from the same subgroup (a column in the worksheet) and then ask if they are co-present among the subgroups from other nine rulers. If their co-present rate is significantly greater than the expected based on random combination, they are considered to be from the same segment, and otherwise, from different segments.

    [shg] Where do you see "121" or "123"? You mean the ID column? Are the IDs the same on all rulers?

    2. After exhausting all pairwise tests, letters of the same segment origin can be identified and sorted into segment-like form like what you see in the left two panels in the 2nd sheet, "Output & Final."

    Note: The number of pairwise combinations is large. There should be method(s) similar to or better than the MATCH function that does not require pairwise test.

    3. Run the same test for all subgroups from all 10 rulers so that letters in each group can be grouped based on their segment origins. At this point, you can only subdivide the letters based on their segment origins and don't know the order of the segments.

    4. Work out the order of the overlapping "segments," for example

    12 24 56 6 from one subgroup of ruler 1 and 56 6 897 25 from a subgroup of ruler 5 can be used to assemble the order of

    12 24 56 6 897 254 based their overlapping letters of 56 and 6.

    [shg] Where does 12 24 56 6 appear in a subgroup of ruler 1?

    5. Extend the segment assembly until the entire order of the letters are worked out along the length of the entire ruler.

    These steps are what I can imagine. There might be modifications as the programming goes.

    [shg] I fear I am at sea. What's the genesis of the problem?
    Last edited by shg; 02-27-2014 at 09:32 PM.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Those are two SAMPLES in one EXAMPLE. Remember, we have 10 rulers (two are shown in the spread sheet) each was chopped at random points into 100 segments. The 100 segments are mixed first and then subdivided into 10 subgroups (6 (columns) are shown here.)

    [shg] On what basis are they assigned to subgroups? The + in the column is the subgroup assignment?Why are the column orders different in the two samples?

    They are just randomly distributed into subgroups. As mentioned in the previous post, the reason for doing so is for the association test since closely located letters are tend to be distributed into the same subgroup. The + sign means "present". As show in the table on the left side, in the G1 column, 5, 10, 12, 45, 51, 54 and 982 are present while others are not. I shuffled the column order in the table on the right just want to indicate that the order of the column are irrelevant to the issue and does not provide any information for solving the problem.

    There are should be an average of 10 segments in each subgroup. Only one segment in each group is shown in the sheet. The steps to transmute the input information to output would include the follows:

    1. Ordinarily, we may take a pair of "letters" (say 121 and 123) identified from the same subgroup (a column in the worksheet) and then ask if they are co-present among the subgroups from other nine rulers. If their co-present rate is significantly greater than the expected based on random combination, they are considered to be from the same segment, and otherwise, from different segments.

    [shg] Where do you see "121" or "123"? You mean the ID column? Are the IDs the same on all rulers?

    Sorry about not taking the actual "letters" (IDs) from the tables. "121" and "123" were just examples. Yes, IDs are the same and in the same order on all rulers.

    2. After exhausting all pairwise tests, letters of the same segment origin can be identified and sorted into segment-like form like what you see in the left two panels in the 2nd sheet, "Output & Final."

    Note: The number of pairwise combinations is large. There should be method(s) similar to or better than the MATCH function that does not require pairwise test.

    3. Run the same test for all subgroups from all 10 rulers so that letters in each group can be grouped based on their segment origins. At this point, you can only subdivide the letters based on their segment origins and don't know the order of the segments.

    4. Work out the order of the overlapping "segments," for example

    12 24 56 6 from one subgroup of ruler 1 and 56 6 897 25 from a subgroup of ruler 5 can be used to assemble the order of

    12 24 56 6 897 254 based their overlapping letters of 56 and 6.

    [shg] Where does 12 24 56 6 appear in a subgroup of ruler 1?

    Sorry again, these are just examples, not taken from the actual subgroups in the table.

    Let's work with the information from the tables in Sheet "Output & Final,"

    In the left table,
    G4 column has 218 7845 21 68 132 651 284 3 108

    In the right table,
    G5 column has 284 3 108 84 121

    Sharing 284 3 108 by the two subgroups allows deduction of an order of

    218 7845 21 68 132 651 284 3 108 84 121

    5. Extend the segment assembly until the entire order of the letters are worked out along the length of the entire ruler.

    These steps are what I can imagine. There might be modifications as the programming goes.

    [shg] I fear I am at sea. What's the genesis of the problem?

    It is a rather complex problem. It took me a while to figure out how to explain to you. The example that I give to you was a lot simplified from the actual data. However, it does present one of the core issues that I’m working on. If you read what I have described so far from the very beginning, you may start to get some sense about the issue. I'll be happy to answer more questions if you have
    Last edited by Dodo123; 02-28-2014 at 01:08 AM.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    I reckon I feel that it's a complicated problem, and have no sense of the merit or value in trying to solve it, given a very abstract problem statement and no sense of what it all means.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    I don't think the description is very abstract. The issue is straightforward and clear - to figure out the order of the markers on a ruler that has been chopped into pieces. Only are markers within the same piece prevented from separation into different subgroups. Obviously, you may not be able to solve the problem with only one ruler. With 10 rulers having randomly generated pieces, you should be able to. I'm done my best to explain every point with an example. However, if you pursue the merit or value, that is something else, beyond the issue itself.

    Anyway, thanks a lot for your patience.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Hi Dodo123,
    maybe something like this (for B2:I38 range on Data worksheet)
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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by nilem View Post
    Hi Dodo123,
    maybe something like this (for B2:I38 range on Data worksheet)
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    Hi nilem,

    Thanks so much for the help. I've seen your post and digesting. I'll get back to you with my thought after comprehend your sub (I'm new with VBA :-)). Have a nice evening there if I need more time before your bedtime.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Good morning nilem.

    Thanks for your code that provides an interesting way to sort the markers "+" into an order.

    However, the marker order has to be determined by their co-presence in the subgroups from all the 10 rulers. In this way, the IDs in the "Real Order" column can be sorted into clusters with neighboring markers in the same cluster. As shown in the 2nd sheet, markers in G1 are clustered with their real order IDs, R013 R014 R015 R016 R017 R018 R019. This indicates the success of computation.

    Please note, there are should 100 segments for each column and only one is shown in the tables.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    To all who have gone over this thread,

    If you are interested in solving this issue, but don't have time to work out the code, carefully going over the posts and provide algorithmic suggestions would be appreciated. Suggestions could include the effective way to storing a large number of data sets, handling a large number of comparisons point by point, scoring the number of subgroups in which a given pair of markers are present(I called "markers" as "letters" in the previous posts), etc.

    Many thanks to those who have offered help so far regardless how much you dug into it. I know it is a very challenging issue, yet very interesting.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodo123 View Post
    ...there are should 100 segments for each column and only one is shown in the tables.
    Could you show an example with more than one segment (at least 2 or 3) in the "before and after" mode

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by nilem View Post
    Could you show an example with more than one segment (at least 2 or 3) in the "before and after" mode
    Sorry about replying you late. It took me a while to generate what you requested. Please see the two attached workbooks.

    Sheet1 in the two books are identical. It contains the actual order of the markers on the rulers represented by numbers with a prefix of "R" in Column "Real Order." The numbers in the "ID" column are the IDs assign to the markers when the real order is unknown. "+" means "Presence."

    Each of Sheets 2 to 7 in Data Example Set2a contains raw data for one of six rulers. Each ruler is chopped into ~20 segments which are randomly distributed into 10 subgroups, two each (occasionally three). Marker IDs are identified from each subgroup and indicated by a "+" sign. For a given ruler, all IDs are unique. IDs for the same position on all rulers are the same. In this book, IDs are sorted based on their numeric values. However, this does not provided any information about the actual order of the markers on the rulers. At this point, the "Real Order" is unknown.

    Data Example Set2b contains clustered markers assuming the "Real Order" is worked out and the markers are sorted based on the real order.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Thanks a lot!
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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Hi Dodo123,
    I just sort tables by the 1st column in a "Set2a" file and got exactly the same tables as in the "Set2b" file. And I see no reason to use a dictionary or a dictionary of dictionaries to get this result. Sorry.

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    Re: Creating Dictionary of Dictionaries

    Quote Originally Posted by nilem View Post
    Hi Dodo123,
    I just sort tables by the 1st column in a "Set2a" file and got exactly the same tables as in the "Set2b" file. And I see no reason to use a dictionary or a dictionary of dictionaries to get this result. Sorry.
    Again, the 1st column is used to validate your results. It should be taken out and cannot be used to sort as it does not exist in the real data. You need to use logic association of the markers in the segments rather than using a pure algorithmic method to get the order, since this is not a magic cube.
    Last edited by Dodo123; 03-03-2014 at 01:55 PM.

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