Hello Excel Forum,

I am a new user and looking for some much needed assistance.


I have two lists. The first ComboBox contains three departments: Department 1, Department 2, and Department 3.
The second ComboBox should contain ALL pumps located in "Selected Department" (each Department has a different list of pumps).

The list of pumps are located on a separate Sheet. Thus, I need to call the entire pump list into the second ComboBox, which is dependent on either Department 1, 2, or 3.


In very simplistic form, it should look like this.

If the Value of ComboBox1 = Department 1,
Then the Value of ComboBox 2 = PumpListA.

If the Value of ComboBox1 = Department 2,
Then the Value of ComboBox 2 = PumpListB.

If the Value of ComboBox1 = Department 3,
Then the Value of ComboBox 2 = PumpListC.

I hope this is sufficient background information.

Thank You!