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Divide list into different sheet based on Person name and quantity

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Divide list into different sheet based on Person name and quantity

    Dear Forum Members

    I hope you can help me to figure out how to do this operation.

    I have a daily list with about 1000 lines. Each line contains information on some errors that need to be checked.

    Now the preparation of the daily activity is done manually:
    1. we check how many people are available (from 1 to 20)
    2. we assign a specific number of errors to each person (let's say from 10 to 100)
    3. we copy the chosen errors into a new excel file divided into different sheets named with the person names.
    4. what we have is a single Excel file with different sheets containing the selected errors

    Basically we do not need to select all errors (1000) and divide them into the people involved that day, but simply assign the number of errors that the person can actually do.

    We usually sort manually by a specific column and then divide it. Example :

    Original 1000 errors
    Laura 50 errors
    Tomas 60 errors
    Hanna 40 errors
    and so on until the number of people involved is over.
    Left 700 errors... no problem, they will be done the next day.

    I would like to have the possibility to copy all data inside a single excel file. Run the macro which will ask me the names of the people and the number of errors to be assigned. Create a new excel file with the data split into different sheets for each person.

    I really appreciate your kind help to solve how to do this. I know that the "manual" job is not a big issue, but an automation would be really nice.

    Have a lovely day

  2. #2
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    Re: Divide list into different sheet based on Person name and quantity

    that can be done in a fraction of a second but can you post an example of what you have now (filled with dummy information).
    Remember, saying thanks only takes a second or two. Click the little star * below, to give some Rep if you think an answer deserves it.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Divide list into different sheet based on Person name and quantity

    Thanks for your support.

    Please find attached a small list of just 50 items.

    Imagine that I have to split this list (that can be 1000 lines) into 4 people (sheets on a new excel file).

    I would like to assign to Luca the first 10 items, then to Elena next 12 items, then to Hanna next 5, then to Alessandra next 5 and finally to Marco next 3.

    Last 15 items in the list won't be considered.

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Czarny; 02-25-2014 at 08:24 AM.

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