I cannot get the email signature to work when generating an email.
I'd prefer to be able to use rich text as the body of the email is generated from a cell with various CONCATENATEd cell values that show with paragraph spacing.
DON'T send me a bloody link to Rod's page too, as none of it has worked for me!! *tearing my hair out*
Failing the signature thing is it possible to convert my email body cell to HTML?
If I use HTML and just use the cell value it shows as this:
Hi, Please provide Part Number, Price, Availability, and Carriage charge for 1 x test 1 x test
2 x test 3 x test 4 x test 5 x test 6 x test 7 x test 8 x test 9 x test 10 x test 11 x test
12 x test 13 x test 14 x test What is the warranty for these parts? Many thanks, Nick Bay Spares/Service Department KJR Unit 15 Castle Park Road Whiddon Valley Barnstaple EX32 8PA 01271 344410 01271 324347 stores@kjrefrigeration.co.uk www.kjrefrigeration.co.uk Save a tree... Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of KJR
when it should look like this:
Please provide Part Number, Price, Availability, and Carriage charge for
1 x test
2 x test
3 x test
4 x test
5 x test
6 x test
7 x test
8 x test
9 x test
10 x test
11 x test
12 x test
13 x test
14 x test
What is the warranty for these parts?
Many thanks,
Nick Bay
Spares/Service Department
Unit 15
Castle Park Road
Whiddon Valley
EX32 8PA
01271 344410
01271 324347
Save a tree... Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to
Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of KJR
Any ideas?