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insert rows based on text values in cells

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  1. #1
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    insert rows based on text values in cells

    Hello and thanks in advance,

    I regularly run a report that comes out in a slightly different format each time depending on whether or not there is data for specific criteria. for instance (sample attached): criteria a, b, and c are in rows, 1, 2, and 3 in columns. a, b, and c are expected to repeat themselves several times. if there is no data in one instance of b then you may see something like abcacabc.

    I'd like to loop through each row in column a, check to make sure that it is the correct value (either a, b, or c) and if not, insert a blank row so I can then copy the data to my final project without having to worry about formatting.

    the example above would then become abca cabc

    thanks again!
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: insert rows based on text values in cells

    Hi Simarui,

    Try this:

    Sub ABC(): Dim r As Long, i As Long
    r = 2: Do Until Cells(r, 1) = "" And Cells(r + 1, 1) = ""
    If Trim(Cells(r, 1)) = "" Then
    r = r + 1: GoTo ReComp: End If
    If Trim(Cells(r, 1)) = "a" Then
        If Trim(Cells(r + 1, 1)) = "b" Then
            If Cells(r + 2, 1) = "c" Then
                r = r + 3: GoTo FullComp
            Else: Cells(r + 2, 1).EntireRow.Insert
                    r = r + 3: GoTo FullComp: End If
        Else: Cells(r + 1, 1).EntireRow.Insert     'the b row
        GoTo HalfComp: End If
    Else: Cells(r, 1).EntireRow.Insert: GoTo NoComp: End If
    FullComp: Loop
    End Sub
    Last edited by xladept; 02-20-2014 at 07:14 PM. Reason: Cautionary Change
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  3. #3
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    Re: insert rows based on text values in cells


    thank you.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: insert rows based on text values in cells

    You're welcome! And, thanks for the rep!

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