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Copying multiple text files from a folder into excel

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  1. #1
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    Re: Copying multiple text files from a folder into excel

    Haven't started on it yet.
    I'm currently at work and will write the script when I get home tonight.

    Google has been great in providing the solutions for the intermediate steps, but I just can't get the looping part down.

  2. #2
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    Re: Copying multiple text files from a folder into excel

    Here is a sample of the text file that I am using:

    Company Name: Pears Galore
    Revenue: $500,000

    The code

    Sub GetInfoFromText()
      Dim X As Long, FilePathAndName As String, TotalFile As String, FileNum As Long, Arr() As String
      Dim CompanyName As String, Revenue As String
      ' Get path and filename by whatever means you do now
      FilePathAndName = "C:\Users\revenue.txt"
      ' Read entire file into TotalFile variable
      FileNum = FreeFile
      Open FilePathAndName For Binary As #FileNum
        TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum))
        Get #FileNum, , TotalFile
      Close #FileNum
      ' Get Company Name
      Arr = Split(TotalFile, "Company Name: ")
      CompanyName = Split(Arr(1), vbCrLf)(0)
      ' Get Revenue
      Arr = Split(TotalFile, "Revenue: ")
      Revenue = Split(Arr(1), vbCrLf)(0)
        ActiveCell = CompanyName
        ActiveCell.Offset(1) = Revenue
    End Sub
    I took this code off someone else and edited to make it mine. However, I am not sure what can be done to make it loop for multiple text files, and insert the revenue figures into a column.
    Is it also possible to automatically input the file path and name? or would this have to be done manually?
    Last edited by WinningKing; 02-20-2014 at 08:49 AM.

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