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Having difficulty with exiting a Do loop

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  1. #1
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    Having difficulty with exiting a Do loop

    I'm sure this is a rookie question but I rarely use the Do...While and Do...Until loops.

    I have been abusing GoTo in the past and am trying to mend my ways.

    I have a form that is shown from a calling sub. I want a loop in the calling sub to check for a boolean condition (set by a form property) and to exit the loop the instant that the condition is met. Instead the loop repeats at least once before picking up the condition change. Is there any way around this or do I need to go back to using GoTo?

    (Reading the above makes me realise I'm not making myself very clear, I will post some dummy code below to express my idea more clearly)

    Public Sub Load_frm_Edit_Employee()
        Dim frmCC1_Employee_Edit    As frm_Edit_Employee
        Dim blnCloseForm            As Boolean
        On Error GoTo 0
        'start up the form
        Set frmCC1_Employee_Edit = frm_Edit_Employee
        With frmCC1_Employee_Edit
            Do While blnCloseForm = False
                'show the form
                .Show vbModal
                'this value is set after the form is hidden (triggered by user pressing Save or Cancel)
                blnCloseForm = .IsFormClose '.IsFormClose is a Form property (set by the Cancel button on the Form)
                'ideally this should cause the loop to exit immediately after the above line
                'THIS WAS THE OLD METHOD
    '            If .IsFormClose = True Then
    '                GoTo ExitProcedure
    '            End If
                'get new values back from the form
                '(do something with the returned values)
                'in other words, if CloseForm = False then
                '   the Save button was pressed, save the form values and then show the form again
                'else if CloseForm = True then
                '   the user pressed the Cancel button, go to exit procedure
        End With
        On Error Resume Next
        Unload frmCC1_Employee_Edit
        Set frmCC1_Employee_Edit = Nothing
        On Error GoTo 0
        'run remaining exit code here
    End Sub

    HELP WANTED! (Links to Forum threads)
    Trying to create reusable code for Custom Events at Workbook (not Application) level


  2. #2
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    Re: Having difficulty with exiting a Do loop

    The routine won't exit until it's completed the loop and checks the status of blnCloseForm.
    To have it exit where you have identified you would need to check the status of blnCloseForm after it returns from the sub routine and use and Exit Do.

    Something like this:

                'this value is set after the form is hidden (triggered by user pressing Save or Cancel)
                blnCloseForm = .IsFormClose '.IsFormClose is a Form property (set by the Cancel button on the Form)
                if .isFormClose=true then exit Do            
                'ideally this should cause the loop to exit immediately after the above line

  3. #3
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    Re: Having difficulty with exiting a Do loop

    Quote Originally Posted by Bukovnik View Post
    The routine won't exit until it's completed the loop and checks the status of blnCloseForm.
    To have it exit where you have identified you would need to check the status of blnCloseForm after it returns from the sub routine and use and Exit Do.
    Of course! (slaps head). How could I overlook
    Exit Do
    ? Anyway, thanks for solving. +1

  4. #4
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Having difficulty with exiting a Do loop

    It's not going to exit until it hits the loop at the bottom and goes back up to the head of the loop where it checks the condition.

    If you don't want it to do the stuff between where the flag is set false and the bottom of the loop, you need to put it inside an If ... End If.

    In structure programming, you would probably call one or more subroutines that executed the code so it would only be a few lines inside the If block.

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  5. #5
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    Re: Having difficulty with exiting a Do loop

    Quote Originally Posted by TMShucks View Post
    If you don't want it to do the stuff between where the flag is set false and the bottom of the loop, you need to put it inside an If ... End If.
    Quote Originally Posted by TMShucks View Post
    In structure programming, you would probably call one or more subroutines that executed the code so it would only be a few lines inside the If block.
    That's what I was doing in the meantime but it just felt wrong.

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