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Consolidate multiple tables into one master table

  1. #1
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    Consolidate multiple tables into one master table


    I am struggling to find a suitable solution for consolidating multiple tables into one master list. Any thoughts, guidance, tips or solutions would be extremely appreciated. I keep going around in circles about what's the simplest/fastest/most robust solution

    --> I have between 40 or 50 tables in Excel that contain data.
    --> Each individual data table retains the same format each week (same number of columns, but will contain a different number of rows)
    --> Many of the tables in the workbook will differ in format as some tables contain a different number of rows & columns. Every table has 2 fields in common (Unique ID & Value). These are the only fields required in the consolidated list.
    --> The consolidated data table will typically contain around 2,000 metrics. Whilst that's a lot of metrics, the file size is relatively small.

    --> Each week, the data in the tables are refreshed so I need to consolidate the individual tables into one master table. The only fields I need in the consolidated table are the 'Unique ID' & 'Value'.
    --> The consolidated list can not contain previous weeks results. This means the consolidated list has to be cleared and rebuilt each week.
    --> The current process is ridiculously manual and prone to human error. I am therefore desperately trying to find a simple, automated solution.

    --> What is the best approach for me to automate this solution?

    Options I have thought about are :
    a) Use VBA to 'copy & paste' each of the data tables into one master sheet
    b) Export the tables into Access and then use a SQL query to extract the two consolidated fields
    c) I have been tried to google other methods ie Power Query - but I can't find too much documents on this capability
    d) MS Query
    e) Power Pivot
    f) Something completely different as I am barking up the wrong tree :-)

    I have attached an example dummy workbook to help explain what I mean. If the above is not clear, please let me know and I will provide more details.

    Fingers crossed !

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator alansidman's Avatar
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    Re: Consolidate multiple tables into one master table

    You have several options. My preferred way is Access.

    I would link (not import) the tables with Access. Create a UNION query to capture the two fields in all the tables.

    In Excel, I would link the consolidated worksheet to the Union query. In this manner, whenever the tables are updated in Excel and the consolidated worksheet is refreshed, then all data is up to date. No need to delete old data. No VBA required. Clean and fairly quick to accomplish.

    I am sure others will have their preferred method.

    Alan עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי

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  3. #3
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    Re: Consolidate multiple tables into one master table

    Many thanks - sounds like a very clean solution. I shall have a crack at it in the morning.

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator alansidman's Avatar
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    Re: Consolidate multiple tables into one master table

    Post back in the Access Sub forum if you run into any difficulties and need a second set of eyes.

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