I'm fairly new (and self-taught -.-) to VB programming, and had previously only used Macros for "easy" stuff like doing the same Math function over and over again, making things colourful etc.
I have massive amounts of Data coming in from a scientific machine now, which I then transfer to txt files, which I read into excel (which works fine).
I've now written a macro that neatens it up, and deletes columns/rows I don't need.
However, I can only write it to work for one batch of data at a time, since the data sets are slightly different (I have macros for the different kinds). As the macros however involve cutting cells/columns, I can't currently read all the data sets in at once, but need to copy them in one by one, the copy the resultant cells out into another spreadsheet, and so on, which is much better than the practice people here have been applying before (copying every data by hand typing them into the appropriate cells).
Is there a way to only apply a Macro to a given selected range of cells? That way I could select the data batches one by one and apply the macros, after inserting all of them in one go to excel.
Thanks for your help!
TL;DR: Is there a way to get Macros to only work in a selected area of cells?