Hey guys

I'm having a bit of trouble with a macro designed to read the length text in a cell and if it = a certain length then perform an action (in this case Text to column)

Here is a small sample of the data I'm working with:
Tue 02/11/2014
20140211082244.222441+000 <<

Tue 02/11/2014
20140211082244.222441+000 <<

Tue 02/11/2014
20140211082244.222441+000 <<

Tue 02/11/2014
20140211082244.222441+000 <<

Tue 02/11/2014

Tue 02/11/2014
20140211082244.222441+000 <<
*End Sample*

The text length I want it to perform the action on is highlighted with "<<" if the length of text does not meet the required number then I want the statement to skip and move onto the next one.

I have the text to column code already done with relative references however the long text string I want the statement activated on is not always present which means that the pattern (0,3) is not always consistent.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
