I have been trying to get this code to import data from a range of closed excel files in a folder and can't get it to work. I have modified codes form the web to pull in the data from one file - see below. But can't get it to loop through to grab it from a range of files. The data is in the same place in each file. There are approximately 50 files. The data is in a table that is 4 columns wide and 5 rows down, I need all the data to display in row 1 for the first set of data, then row 2 for the second and so on.
Can you help???
Option Explicit
Sub GetDataDemo()
Dim FilePath$, Row&, Column&, Address$
'change constants & FilePath below to suit
Const FileName$ = "V5 iReport.xls"
Const SheetName$ = "iTarget"
Const NumRows& = 1
Const NumColumns& = 4
FilePath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Dir(FilePath & FileName) = Empty Then
MsgBox "The file " & FileName & " was not found", , "File Doesn't Exist"
Exit Sub
End If
Row = 1
For Column = 1 To NumColumns
Address = Cells(Row, Column).Address
Cells(Row, Column) = GetData(FilePath, FileName, SheetName, Address)
Next Column
Row = 2
For Column = 1 To NumColumns
Address = Cells(Row, Column).Address
Cells(Row - 1, Column + 4) = GetData(FilePath, FileName, SheetName, Address)
Next Column
Row = 3
For Column = 1 To NumColumns
Address = Cells(Row, Column).Address
Cells(Row - 2, Column + 8) = GetData(FilePath, FileName, SheetName, Address)
Next Column
Row = 4
For Column = 1 To NumColumns
Address = Cells(Row, Column).Address
Cells(Row - 3, Column + 12) = GetData(FilePath, FileName, SheetName, Address)
Next Column
Row = 5
For Column = 1 To NumColumns
Address = Cells(Row, Column).Address
Cells(Row - 4, Column + 16) = GetData(FilePath, FileName, SheetName, Address)
Next Column
ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = False
End Sub
Private Function GetData(Path, File, Sheet, Address)
Dim Data$
Data = "'" & Path & "[" & File & "]" & Sheet & "'!" & _
Range(Address).Range("A1").Address(, , xlR1C1)
GetData = ExecuteExcel4Macro(Data)
End Function