I have the following code to create a bar a point and a pin
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
list_top = "AA1"
For i = 1 To 100000
shape_type = Range(list_top).Offset(i, 0).Value
If shape_type = "" Then Exit Sub
Select Case shape_type
Case "bar"
new_bar Range(list_top).Offset(i, 1).Value, Range(list_top).Offset(i, 2).Value, Range(list_top).Offset(i, 3).Value
Case "point"
new_point Range(list_top).Offset(i, 1).Value
Case "pin"
new_pin Range(list_top).Offset(i, 1).Value, Range(list_top).Offset(i, 2).Value
End Select
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub new_bar(ByVal bar_name As String, ByVal bar_width As Double, bar_length_pin_to_pin As Double)
ActiveSheet.Shapes(ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count).Name = bar_name
ActiveSheet.Shapes(bar_name).Height = bar_width
ActiveSheet.Shapes(bar_name).Width = bar_width + bar_length_pin_to_pin
End Sub
Public Sub new_point(ByVal point_name As String)
ActiveSheet.Shapes(ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count).Name = point_name
End Sub
Public Sub new_pin(ByVal pin_name As String, ByVal statonary As Double)
ActiveSheet.Shapes(ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count).Name = pin_name
ActiveSheet.Shapes(pin_name).Width = pin_diameter
End Sub
In Cell AA1 to AD5 i have the following
Type Name
bar __bar_2 20 120
bar __bar_1 10 100
point __point_1
pin __pin_1 10
A pin, bar and point are created with a width, height and diameter of the inputted values.
I now what to have another button that positions these newly created shapes
so in cell AI1 to AO5 I have
where row 3 and 4 are the top and left coordinates
Type Name
bar __bar_1 100 100
bar __bar_2 200 200
point __point 200 200
pin __pin 100 100 100
any idea what the best way of doing this would be?