Hello Experts,
Every month I get a workbook with multiple sheets in raw format which requires a lot of time clean and get it in one sheet to be used as pivot table data source.
With the help of some experts I have tried to build a code which will
1. Unmerge all the merged cells in all the work sheets (Coz some cells in all the sheets are merged)
2. Find all the worksheets name containing SMRY or SUMMARY and delete
3. In column A of all the remaining worksheets find string AAA & delete all the rows including AAA and above
4. In column A of all the remaining worksheets find string BBB & delete all the rows including BBB and below
But the code below is giving me runtime error.
Besides above I would also like to add a column where it adds the sheet name in each row.
Please advise/help.
Best Regards/VKS