Hi all,

Basically, I'm looking to standardize the rate cards I have. So the code JBeaucaire supplied helped me out for the task at the time, however, we have now updated the Rate Card and as a result I have been tasked with updating all our current ones (typical). Can anybody help?

The Task

FileA.xlsx is the original file that contains the old "Cover Page" which has now been altered, to include extra rows, which can be seen in FileB.xlsx.

Is there a way to run a macro that will insert these extra rows with titles into all of the FileA.xlsx files (old ones) based on FileB.xlsx format without losing any data?

Yes the additional "new" rows will still need to be populated with the relevant data but that I'm afraid that will need to be done manually (me) as each Rate Card is verified and peer reviewed (them).

Now the cheeky bit....

Would it be possible to build into the code the ability for the user (me) to click "run" so that a folder selection box pops up to select the folder rather than me having to cut and paste the folder destination into the code all the time?

The above is a big ask for me but hoping it's not too big for the gurus out there...

Thanking you in advance.

Kind regards,
