I have the following code:
Public StepOne As Workbook
Public StepTwo As Workbook
Sub Start
Set StepOne = Workbooks(Sheets("Start").Range("B6").Value) 'This pulls the value of WB1.xlsx
Set StepTwo = Workbooks(Sheets("Start").Range("B9").Value) ' This pulls the value of WB2.xlsx
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=VLOOKUP(RC[-1],[" & StepTwo.Name & "]Data!RC7:RC7,1,FALSE)"
The bolded section above is where I am getting the issue. There is a problem with my vlookup syntax and I can't figure out what it is.
- If I mouse over StepTwo.Name the correct value is there, WB2.xlsx
- I think I'm using the correct "RC" style syntax all the way through the formula
- I've tried the following after Data! to no avail
- C7:C7
- RC7:RC7
- RC[7]:RC[7]
What am I doing wrong here?