I am new to the Forums and need help with an application I would like to create.
I am trying to build a user-friendly Excel database that takes the user's input from various cells and logs that data input by the user in successive rows to the side. Please see the screenshots of my current spreadsheet below:
Compressor Database.jpg
From the screenshot above, I would like for the user to input their data for the Date of Last Inspection, Current Hours, and check the boxes for any services they performed in the orange/pink "Input" box on the left. Currently I have the spreadsheet set up so that the orange/pink "input" areas recognize data put in to the yellow "Data Log" cells to the right. I am trying to get the yellow "Data Log" cell area to store the Date and Hours data put in by the user in successive rows like a database, but I am not sure how to do this. I was thinking of putting a button in the says "Log Data" which would, when clicked, store the data in the "Data Log" cells. I am unsure if I need to use a Macro or whether Excel has a simple, built-in function that can be used. Eventually I have plans for the "Date of Last _______ Change" Gray boxes, but would like to take this one step at a time.
I am not well versed in VBA and Excel Macros, and I am currently using Microsoft Excel 2007 (yes, I know it is old). I do have C# and Matlab coding experience, however I would like to do this in Excel to make it easier for the User as it is a well known program.
Thank you for any help or advice you can provide.