Hi Guys,
Im really new here I tried to find the solution on the web but could not find it anywhere how I need it or in that way that it worked.
So thats why I'm posting my 2 questions over here.
By the way please don't watch my grammar (I'm not a native speaker).
Now my 2 problems.
First Problem:
For my excel sheet I've made some pictures explaining what to enter in what cell.
previously I had just 1 picture explaining evrything but as I now need it in 3 langueges I've decided to make a new picture for every cell.
What I now want is that when I mouse over or even better select one of the cells (C5,C6, C10,C11 and so on in my case ) that it shows the corrosponding picture matching the selected Cell in cell H1.
I've tried alot of stuff but nothing really worked yet..
(Comments dont work as my pc does not allow to "format a comment")
Second Problem:
Now the second problem.
Ive been really struggeling with this one (yes I'm a noob with excel commands,macro's and VBA ).
I've made a drop down menu in cell C15 were people need to select an urgency option: NORMAL , PRIORITY or EMERGENCY.
And then when they select one of these like Normal it needs to show ( in cell E8 ) the time + 24 hours so that would be :" NOW()+1" and with PRIORITY it should be :" NOW()+0.0166666668 ( + 4 hours of the date its registered)"
And With EMERGENCY:" the time of now +1 hour.
I've tried with IF command but that didnt work as the False command needs an entry or is "" then when another entry is TRUE it doesnt show anything because multiple answers from the command line.
So any help would be real nice as I really cant figure it out anymore..
Thanks in advance!