Apologize in advance if the answer of my question is simple..
I use many series of textboxes and compo boxes in my userforms.
Until now i use something like this to clear the data into these.
It's really hard..![]()
qucase1.Value = "" qucase2.Value = "" qucase3.Value = "" qucase4.Value = "" qucase5.Value = "" prcase1.Value = "" prcase2.Value = "" prcase3.Value = "" prcase4.Value = "" prcase5.Value = "" valcase1.Value = "" valcase2.Value = "" valcase3.Value = "" valcase4.Value = "" valcase5.Value = "" machcase1.Value = "" machcase2.Value = "" machcase3.Value = "" machcase4.Value = "" machcase5.Value = "" comcase1.Value = "" comcase2.Value = "" comcase3.Value = "" comcase4.Value = "" comcase5.Value = "" TextBox15.Value = "" TextBox4.Value = "" ComboBox1.Text = ""
Is there any other way to clear ALL the qucases, ALL the prcases...etc using 1 line of code?
Thanks in advance for any assistance here!![]()