Hello everyone,

I got the following problem. In column C I got some data like this:
Number of .csv

Number of .csv

Notice that there is an empty cell in between.The data starts at C12 up to C21. The data is in Sheet2.There are also 8 more sheets( Sheet3 to Sheet10). I want to rename each sheet, starting from Sheet3 according to each cell. For example the Sheet3 to be renamed to 01, Sheet4 to 02.

What I can do is something like this:
Set ws1 = Sheets("Sheet2")
For i = 3 To 6
Sheets("Sheet" & i).Name = ws1.Range("C" & a)
a = a + 1
And repeat this code for every block of data I got by changing everytime the i and the a. But this method is not so optimized because there are cases that the number of rows for each block is not the same and I have to change everytime the i counter. Is there any way to do 1 loop for all the sheets using maybe Worksheets.Count and another dynamic loop for the rows ? The data always start every 6 rows eg( C12, C18 etc). Also I was thinking to define an integer representing the number of rows for the loop...

Any help is appreciated,
Thank you in advance