hi All,
Simple issue that for love nor money I cant get to work.
I have a Excel spread sheet running lots of macro's / VB code.
I have a user form that activiets when the work book is open, that currently people just type in their name (so I can monitor who opens the wokrbook and when)
I have now had the request that People select there name from a drop down box and input their own passowrd - to stop others from just typing in their name.
I have created a list of user names in Sheet 16, Column A and named it 'users'
I have asked for passwords and in column B put thier passwords.
Simple I want when they select their name from combobox 1, that when they type their password in text box 1 (below) it grants access.
For some reason i cant get the 1st combo box to recognise in the VB code to look up the 'users'
Then obvioulsy, when combox 1 <> "Jack" then textbox 1 <> "password" else go to end;
Sunday evening may be but I cant get the code in the right place or scribe it right
Any help?