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Removing specific elements from an Array based on matching elements in a different Array

  1. #1
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    Removing specific elements from an Array based on matching elements in a different Array

    I have a 2 column Main Array with a string of specific numbers in each column. The Main Array is very long > 100,000 rows. I need to remove specific rows from this Main Array. The specific rows I need to remove are in a "Bad" Array with about 200 rows. The "Bad Array" also contains 2 columns. So if a specific Column A, Column B element from Bad Array match the same specific Column A, Column B element from Main Array, then that row needs to be deleted from the Main Array. That's one part of it. But there is a second part. The code also needs to compare that same row in the Bad Array but this time Column B, Column A against the Main Array and if there is a match then delete that row wherever it exists from the Main Array as well. There should be 2 deletions in the Main Array for each row in the Bad Array. Column A, Column B Deletion....and Column B, Column A Deletion

    For example...
    My Main Array
    123124, 255643
    845814, 584894
    845814, 684948
    203049, 483949
    346446, 694506
    904392, 494078
    293938, 636320
    684948, 845814
    636320, 293398

    Bad Array with Rows that need to be removed from the main array
    845814, 684948
    293398, 636320

    My code needs to delete from the Main Array...
    845814, 684948
    684948, 845814
    293398, 636320
    636320, 233398

    Ultimately resulting in a final Main Array that looks like this...
    Final Main Array
    123124, 255643
    845814, 584894
    203049, 483949
    346446, 694506
    904392, 494078

    I am not great at coding. I wasn't sure whether to "walk" down the Main Array or the Bad Array. My hope is that experienced programmers have seen this before and might have some code that can help me. I hope my explanation was clear. Thank you very much for your help.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Olly's Avatar
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    Re: Removing specific elements from an Array based on matching elements in a different Arr

    Here you go:

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  3. #3
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    Re: Removing specific elements from an Array based on matching elements in a different Arr

    OllyXLS...BreakingBad...you're funny. I'll check this out and walk through it. If I have questions I will let you know. Thank you for what you have done thus far. I really appreciate the prompt response.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Olly's Avatar
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    Re: Removing specific elements from an Array based on matching elements in a different Arr

    It was too good a pun to miss!

    Would appreciate feedback from live testing. Does what it should on your sample data, so hoping it works for you. Nice to work with clearly explained requirements

  5. #5
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    Re: Removing specific elements from an Array based on matching elements in a different Arr

    Olly...your code is PERFECT and exactly what I needed it to do! (Which I am sure you already knew but I had to slowly walk through it). Thank you very very much!

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Olly's Avatar
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    Re: Removing specific elements from an Array based on matching elements in a different Arr

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesdeuce View Post
    Olly...your code is PERFECT and exactly what I needed it to do! (Which I am sure you already knew but I had to slowly walk through it). Thank you very very much!
    Splendid Thanks for the feedback

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