I tried creating macros and have wasted valuable time because I am not educated enough to write them. I am in a pinch, can anyone please help? I need to have a list of items, maybe 200 or so, let's say I have a few sheets dedicated to listing these items inside individual cells (or 2 cells that I merge so there is room enough to write the name of the item). So, for example going down the side A1 cell would have typed in it "Widget 1" and A2 would say "Widget 2, and A3 would say "Widget 3, etc and so on. Each time an item is typed into a cell, I'd like a sheet created that is named whatever was typed into the cell, so if A1 had "Widget 1" then a sheet is created that says "Widget 1" (would need to insure that if I typed in Widget 3 in A3 and again in A89, it wouldn't create another sheet named "Widget 3", some error would pop up). These newly created sheets would be a copy of a special sheet that I create, that has fields to fill in with information about the widgets. All widgets need the same sheet, so this is awesome if it is possible. I then want to be able to click a print button that is on the sheet, that prints the sheet; just that sheet.
I do not know the name of all the widgets, they will be a "enter into the list" as they come basis; that is why I need it to create a sheet when the info is typed into the list cells (i don't know the range just yet, im guessing 200, but I can't promise I'll start on "A1" exactly...gonna format a little, add some headers, images, text, fluff, etc).
Any help is greatly appreciated.