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Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

  1. #1
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    Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    I tried creating macros and have wasted valuable time because I am not educated enough to write them. I am in a pinch, can anyone please help? I need to have a list of items, maybe 200 or so, let's say I have a few sheets dedicated to listing these items inside individual cells (or 2 cells that I merge so there is room enough to write the name of the item). So, for example going down the side A1 cell would have typed in it "Widget 1" and A2 would say "Widget 2, and A3 would say "Widget 3, etc and so on. Each time an item is typed into a cell, I'd like a sheet created that is named whatever was typed into the cell, so if A1 had "Widget 1" then a sheet is created that says "Widget 1" (would need to insure that if I typed in Widget 3 in A3 and again in A89, it wouldn't create another sheet named "Widget 3", some error would pop up). These newly created sheets would be a copy of a special sheet that I create, that has fields to fill in with information about the widgets. All widgets need the same sheet, so this is awesome if it is possible. I then want to be able to click a print button that is on the sheet, that prints the sheet; just that sheet.

    I do not know the name of all the widgets, they will be a "enter into the list" as they come basis; that is why I need it to create a sheet when the info is typed into the list cells (i don't know the range just yet, im guessing 200, but I can't promise I'll start on "A1" exactly...gonna format a little, add some headers, images, text, fluff, etc).

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    For the Worksheet_Change event:

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    For the procedure:
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    Directions for running the routine(s) just supplied

    Copy the code to the clipboard

    Open your Workbook

    Save your Workbook as Macro_Enabled

    Press ALT + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.

    Copy the event code

    Double-click on the appropriate sheet

    Type "Option Explicit" and paste the event code

    Select “Module” from the Insert menu

    Type "Option Explicit" then paste the code under it

    And it should go automatically
    If I've helped you, please consider adding to my reputation - just click on the liitle star at the left.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    Hi brianbrown1

    on the individual widget tabs, apart from some "fluff" are you recording any specific activities like orders, sales etc

    I ask only because I have almost the exact solution to what you have requested but I need to tidy it up a bit first before I post it


  4. #4
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    forgot to subscribe to updates

  5. #5
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    thank you so much for the responses! I am going to try this immediately AND boost your reputation! Also, for Jmac1947...to be specific I am listing motors, there are tons of motors, but each one has a different name, but they all have the same inspection process. So I can create one spread sheet with all the fields I need for inspection and just re-use it over and over, etc OR, I can use this macro to create that inspection spreadsheet each time I type in a new motor name, and the sheet will be named after that motor automatically, and its just plug and play with the data at that point.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    Hey BB,

    If you have a Master sheet (one with the necessary formats etc) - we can copy that to each new sheet like I did with this thread:http://www.excelforum.com/excel-gene...ml#post3554180

  7. #7
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    Jmac, Exladept, I will work on this again tomorrow. Please keep looking I promise I will post again! If you have any suggestions let me know!! I just tried Xladept's above suggestion, but I must have done something wrong; it isn't working. Re-cap: opened excel, saved the workbook as macro-enabled (.xlsm), then alt-f11 to open VB...double clicked sheet 1, when the window opened, I typed " Option Explicit " without using quotation marks....and then hit space bar 1 time and pasted code for event. Then I inserted a module, and typed " Option Explicit " without quotation marks, and hit space bar 1 time, then pasted procedure code. No further options so I just went to excel worksheet and tried typing in data but no dice. What can I do different?

  8. #8
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data


    Hi BB,

    here is another possible solution albeit maybe an overkill for your needs.

    You enter data in the template tab, press "new" icon and page is created and a new line added to summary page with hyperlink.

    press hyperlink from summary page and selected page opens, you do changes and press save and summary is updated and page closes

    There is heaps of macro code behind the spreadsheet, most of which you will not need. Provided your "master page" (aka template) has the right formats etc in cols A:K you should find it helpful


  9. #9
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    Xladept, I don't know the rules for this forum or website, so If I am doing something wrong let me know. I think if I could chat on the phone with you, you would be able to better understand what I am trying to do and maybe knock this out for me really quick. Are you game for that? I am terrible when describing things online, but I can keep trying. Just let me know. Again, I don't know if that is allowed on this forum, so if it isn't please let me know and I will never do it again. Im just in a pinch is all, and I don't have the skill set required to follow through with this project.

  10. #10
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    Hi BB,

    It look like you did everything right. Are you entering the "widget" in Column "A" or somewhere else??

    Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to make it clear what is needed. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are demonstrated, mock them up manually if needed. Remember to desensitize the data.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and use the paperclip icon to open the upload window.

    View Pic

  11. #11
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    I will give that a try. That sounds awesome Jmac. Im going to bed for now...tomorrow Im reviewing you and Xladept's posts and getting after it hard. I'll update you both on here if success or failure, either way. Thank you so much! God bless you both and have a great evening!

  12. #12
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    I've been up working almost 18 hours now, and I have to go to bed; when I wake up I will do exactly what you asked and upload it. To answer your questions quickly and ask a few quick ones of my own:

    yes, I am entering widget in "A" column. I say for example, "A1" is cell A1, so cell A column, row 1, and A column row 2, etc. Im not using the word widget, I'll need to use words like "Motor" or "Pump Motor" or "HVAC Motor", etc, different names each time.

    How do I desensitize the data? what does that mean?

    I'll make a mock up; you are too awesome for helping out. Thank you so much! if you won't be on tomorrow, that is fine, im not rushing or being rushed....but let me know if you will be online tomorrow or the next day, so I can get an idea of when you might see my post to reply. Thanks again! God bless!

  13. #13
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    how do i desensitize the data? What does that mean?
    i'll make a mock up

  14. #14
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    Hi xladept -

    just dropping by.
    this code gave me syntax error if pasted as-is;
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    modifying it to;
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    gave me Object Required error

    so to get rid of those error, added call function
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    not sure if the same goes with brian's machine but he did not told any error anyway.


  15. #15
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data


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    Excel has its idiosyncrasies!

  16. #16
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    Re: Need Help With Creating Sheets and Compiling Data

    I bow to all of your superior skills; you are all awesome; yes all the codes yesterday gave me errors, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't me causing them with fat fingers...but thanks everyone!!

    I got caught up with all kinds of stuff today offshore, but....I did get an easier method to do what I want to do---I am working the mock up some this evening and will post tomorrow (I really hope tomorrow...nothing worse than when people are trying to help ME and im the hold up)....Then you can all help again.

    What I am going to do will probably be much simpler...I am going to have in the mock up, dedicated cells where information will be typed. All I will want is when information is typed in any of those cells, that a sheet is created with a name based soley off of what was typed in that cell. Then the sheet that is created is hidden from view, unless the cell that created its name is clicked on. So basically, I will have a bunch of cells dedicated to creating sheets in the work book. A blank cell, that if a user types in, "Pump motor", then that cell creates a sheet named "Pump Motor" and hides it from view. The words "Pump Motor" that were typed in the cell, will need to be automatically hyperlinked (clickable), so that when someone clicks on that cell it reveals and goes to the sheet named "Pump Motor".

    All the sheets that are created by typing information into the cells, will be a generic sheet that I custom make, so its the same sheet generated everytime, just with a different name based on what was typed into the dedicated cell.

    For me...IMPOSSIBLE; for you guys...probably a walk in the park. Im excited and very thankful for the help. Please look for my mock up sometime tomorrow.!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

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