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VBA SCRIPT to copy information to different worksheets based on a criteria

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    Post VBA SCRIPT to copy information to different worksheets based on a criteria

    Hi Experts,

    I'm working on a VBA script for reporting purposes; at one point I managed to create a script that would copy data from one sheet to another with one criteria; but when I got two criteria involved i couldn't manage to get the script to work properly.

    As per the attached excel document;

    Report Manager Data - contains total jobs submitted
    Google Data - Contains issues that occurred after the job was submitted

    The Aim: To have the user worksheets populated with the jobs that the USER has submitted along with the issues that occurred after there jobs were submitted.

    IF Column X = "Event 6: QA Finished" And Column Y Contains USER 1 then Copy active row cells Y, AA and AE to worksheet User 1 (Cells A2-C2) and a loop for all of User 1's jobs then do the next (example User 2 to worksheet 2) till all the users information is in their specific sheets.

    The next step would be to go through the WorkSheets (Users1 till last User)
    and check the following Criteria:

    IF B2 from WorkSheet User 1 is present in column J in Google Data and C2 is present in Column X ( IF both criteria match) Copy active row to A4:X4 and loop till all issues are listed.

    Then go to worksheet 2 User 2 and follow the same criteria.

    Would it be possible for someone to help me out with this ? I would highly appreciate it
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Excel_Padwan; 01-18-2014 at 09:34 PM.

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