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Excel 2010 Activeworkbook.path

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    dax, france
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    Excel 2010 Activeworkbook.path


    I have a problem with a workbook wich runs fine with Excel 2003 and Excel 2007.
    With Excel 2010 :

    in private sub Workbook_open()

    the instruction myPath=ActiveWorkbook.Path failes, in the debug mode, in the excecution window, il I put ? ActiveWorkbook.Path or ? ActiveWorkbook.name, I receive an error.

    I tried to redirect the sub in another one in modules, but same problem.

    I can imagine there is a security control but this file has just very few modification from the same I created last year, on the old one is ok and the new one doesn't work ....

    Thank you for an idea to test


  2. #2
    Forum Expert Kenneth Hobson's Avatar
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    Re: Excel 2010 Activeworkbook.path

    Are you sure that you want to use ActiveWorkbook? That workbook could have no path. Most would use ThisWorkbook as it would always have a path after you save that file.

    I don't know what you mean by execution window. Maybe you mean the Immediate Window. It is where output from Debug.Print is sent. Of course putting code like this and pressing Enter key returns the value without the need for trying it in a code object like a Module.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Excel 2010 Activeworkbook.path

    Sorry it is the immediate window
    The result is the same with thisWorkbook.path

    Don't forget that it is ok with Excel 2003 and Excel 2007 and the last year file is also ok with Excel 2010

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Kenneth Hobson's Avatar
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    Re: Excel 2010 Activeworkbook.path

    If it is ok for 2003, 2007, and 2010, I am not sure what version is causing the problem.

    I don't see why it would fail. I don't have those versions installed on this computer to test. I just run 2010 here at work. Even if the file was not saved, it would just return a blank row in the Immediate window. I guess you could attach a simple workbook that duplicates the issue. You don't show it in your profile so I suppose you are not running a mac version. I don't do mac.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Re: Excel 2010 Activeworkbook.path

    It's ok will never know : the use agreed to declare the path in the approuved path and it's ok now.

    Thank you

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