From reading other threads on here I figured out the equation I need to format a cell when the date is within 2 days of being due. Using the following equation. =AND($A$1<=TODAY(),$A$1>=TODAY()-2)
A1 is due date, for instance it is "Sept 7" and I want A1 to be highlighted when it is 2 days before the due date. That means when it is "Sept 5" or "Sept 6", the Conditional Formatting will highlight A1.
This only allows me to do one cell at a time. I would like to do an entire column. What changes to the equation need to be made so that I could do an entire column at one shot??
Also Once I get the conditional formatting down. I have read that it is possible that when I reach 2 days before my due date excel can send me an email notification to remind me.
For the email is there a way that it can be automatically sent without having to open the file every day.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.