I'm trying to copy a number from a worksheet 2, and paste it into the cell in worksheet 1 where I am inserting the formula.
This is what I have so far:
Function Copy_and_Paste(CellCopy As Range)
Dim Sel_Val As Integer
'user selects cell they want to copy
End Function
Currently, when I run it, it tries to paste the value into a random cell in worksheet 2, and when it does it just shows #VALUE!
Thanks in advance 
I currently have the code below which returns a #VALUE! error now into the correct cell:
Function Copy_and_Paste(CellCopy As Integer)
Dim Sel_Val As Integer
Worksheets("Mappings").Range(CellCopy).Value = Worksheets("Main").Range(ActiveCell).Value
End Function
Can I use ActiveCell as i have? :S