Yudlugar! Thank you so so so much again. This seemed to have worked once but it did it for the whole excel and it ended up Not responding.
Now, it gives Error '13, where the Debuger says the mistake is on the third line "For count = Selection.Row To Selection.Row + Selection.Rows"
This is the part that does not compile. I tried to change it to
"For count = Selection.Row To Selection.Rows"
But still does not work...
We are amost there, thenk you so much Yudlugar!

Sub splitting()
Dim count
For count = Selection.Row To Selection.Row + Selection.Rows

Range("D" & count) = Mid(Range("C" & count), 1, 3)

Range("E" & count) = Mid(Range("C" & count), 4, 2)

Range("F" & count) = Mid(Range("C" & count), 6, 1)

Range("G" & count) = Mid(Range("C" & count), 7, 2)

Range("H" & count) = Mid(Range("C" & count), 9, 2)

End Sub