Hi All,

Im having an issue with the vba I want to use to refresh the data in my workbook.

Currently I use
to refresh the data in a master workbook, however this way also refreshes the pivot tables in the same book (of which there are many), which adds significant time the macro exectuion (this is part of a larger macro). The upside is that when the workbook that has the data Im pulling from is in use by another individual, excel will automatically open a read only version and pull the data from that instead.

When I tried using this instead
for each data connection, the connection will not be made and I have to skip that file if it is open. There are eleven connections in the master workbook, and if the data file is not in use it works fine.

Does anyone know if it is possible to to pull data from an open workbook using this method instead, or is there another method to refresh all data connections only?
