Hi all,
Sorry for the non-descript title but I can't think how best to describe the problem with the character cap. I've posted this once before, but prehaps due to my poor title haven't got any responses as yet.
My problem is I'm trying to write a VBA script that using the content of a cell specified in my script, the script searches through a specified workbook. Once it's found a matching value the script uses the found row number and using set column letters, the script returns the values of 2 cells to specified cell numbers in the active sheet.
I've also tried a VLOOKUP calculation but to no avail.
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(E3,'C:\Documents and Settings\Scripting\[Efficiency modelT.xls]Sheet2'!$A$4:$A$75,5,))=FALSE,"Value Not Found",VLOOKUP(E3,'C:\Documents and Settings\Scripting\[Efficiency modelT.xls]Sheet2'!$A$4:$A$75,5,))
What I have so far for the VBA script is a messy attempt to re-purpose a script I use to search through a folder and add hyperlinks to the relevant files. But I'm new to VBA so am a little lost.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.