Hi Developers,
I'm seeking a automated way to break ties in a round-robin tournament for a high school scholars bowl tourney. Often, there are ties, and several years ago, four teams were tied, causing us to use the attached tie breaking procedures. Is it possible to create a new recordset or subset of teams tied 2-ways, 3-ways, and 4-ways? If so, how is this done, or does this need to be done at all? In cols Q and R in the attached wkbook, COUNTIF and RANK and SUMPRODUCT formulas are used to generally identify and rank tied teams. However, I'd like help in creating formulas or code for 3-way and 4-way ties (I haven't been able to figure this out from research during the past week). Thanks so much for any assistance you can provide! I'd greatly appreciate it.
QUIZ BOWL TOURNEY.xlsmTie Scenarios.jpgTie Breaking Procedures.jpg
Here are the tourney's rules:
Two Teams Tied:
1. The tie is broken by determining which team won when they met during the round-robin.
Three Teams Tied:
1. Determine the win-loss record among the tied teams using only the matches among the tied teams in the round-robin. If one team has beaten the other two, it places first.
2. If all three teams are tied with 1-1 records, margins of victory within their matches are used. Margin of victory counts as (+) points for the winning and (-) points for the loser.
3. If all three teams have an equal margin of victory (which would be 0), then total points within their matches determine the order.
4. If all three teams have an equal total points within the matches, then an additional set of matches in which each team plays the other two must be played to determine placement.
Four or More Teams Tied:
1. Determine the win-loss record among the tied teams using only the matches among the tied teams in the round-robin.
a. If there is an even number of tied teams, it is impossible to have all teams with equal records, therefore, after this step, follow appropriate procedure listed above for each subgroup.
b. If there is an odd number of tied teams, it is possible that the records can be exactly the same. If that occurs, go to margin of victory within the group and follow procedures shown above once subgroups are formed. If all tied teams have the same margin of victory, then go to total points as per above.
Remember: After applying the whole step and a team or teams “drop out” of the tie (but still cannot break the tie), then the procedure restarts with the remaining tied teams.
Examples: (for all examples, the teams listed have identical pool records)
Two Teams:
Team A=70, Team B=50
Correct Order: Team A would be placed above Team B
Three Teams:
Step 1:
A=70, B=50
A=60, C=50
C=40, B=30
Correct Order:
Team A (2-0), followed by Team C (1-1) and Team B (0-2) in order.
Three Teams:
Step 2:
A=70, B=50
C=60, A=50
B=40, C=30
A = +20, B = -20
A = -10, C = +10
B = +10, C = -10
Net: A = +10, B = -10, C = 0
Correct Order: Team A, Team C, Team B
Three Teams:
Step 3:
A=70, B=50
C=60, A=40
B=50, C=30
Correct Order: Team A (total Pts: 110), Team B (total Pts: 100), Team C (total Pts: 90)
A=70, B=50
C=60, C=30
A=50, C=40
C=50, B=40
C=40, A=30
B=70, C=40
Correct Order:
D (2-1, beat A), A (2-1, lost to D), B (1-2, beat C), C (1-2, lost to B)