Hello everyone!
I wrote class library in c# like this (simplified):

namespace DotNetLibrary 
     Public class CPoint 
          Public int x; 
          Public int y; 
          Public CPoint(int x, int y) 
               this.x = x; 
               this.y = y; 
          Public List<CPoint> GetSomePoints(Double i_max, Double j_max) 
               List<CPoint> result = New List<CPoint>(); 
               For (int i = 0; i <= i_max; i++) 
                    For (int j = 0; j <= j_max; j++) 
                         result.Add(New CPoint(i, j)); 
               return result; 
In Excel in VBA I can create instance of class CPoint like this:

Private Sub TestDotNetCall() 
    Dim pt As New CPoint 
End Sub
Can you please help me, how can I call method 'GetSomePoints' in VBA? And how can I access to the items of the List in VBA?
