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Long Array Formulas Using VBA

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  1. #1
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    Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    I am trying to get the following long array into a vba sub procedure, however it continues to give the 'cannot set the formula array into the range class' error despite each of the pieces being less than 255 characters. Any help would be appreciated.


    Dim rows As Long
        Dim rows1 As Long
        Dim form1 As String
        Dim form2 As String
        Dim form3 As String
        rows = Worksheets("EOD t-1").Range("H1").End(xlDown).Row
        rows1 = ActiveSheet.Range("G1").End(xlDown).Row
        form1 = "=IF(RC[-2]=0,SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R" & rows & "C1=EOD!RC[-7],IF('EOD t-1'!R2C3:R" & rows & "C3=RC[-5]," & _
                "X_X())" & _
        form2 = "MATCH('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R" & rows & "C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R" & rows & "C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R" & rows & "C3,'EOD t-1'!R2C1:R" & rows & "C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R" & rows & "C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R" & rows & "C3,0))),"
        form3 = "ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R" & rows & "C1)-ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1)+1),'EOD t-1'!R2C8:R" & rows & "C8)),RC[-3]/(RC[-2]/100))"
        With ActiveSheet.Range("H2:H" & rows1 & "")
            .FormulaArray = form1
            .Replace "X_X())", form2
            .Replace "X_X_X())", form3
            .NumberFormat = "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
        End With
    Last edited by alansidman; 12-20-2013 at 10:32 AM. Reason: code tags added.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    I'm not a SendKeys advocate, but I use it to insert long array formulas. Here's the sub and an example of usage:

    Sub demo()
      Const sFrm   As String = _
         "=IF(AND(RC[-12]:RC[-1]=""""),""No RoB assessments performed""," & vbLf & _
         "IF(OR(CHOOSE({1,2,3,4,5},RC[-10],RC[-8],RC[-6],RC[-4],RC[-2])=""no""),""HIGH""," & vbLf & _
         "IF(OR(CHOOSE({1,2,3,4,5},RC[-10],RC[-8],RC[-6],RC[-4],RC[-2])=""High Risk""),""HIGH""," & vbLf & _
         "IF(OR(CHOOSE({1,2,3,4,5},RC[-10],RC8],RC[-6],RC[-4],RC[-2])=""UNCLEAR""),""UNCLEAR""," & vbLf & _
         "IF(OR(CHOOSE({1,2,3,4,5},RC[-10],RC[-8],RC[-6],RC[-4],RC[-2])=""Unclear Risk""),""UNCLEAR"",""LOW"")))))"
      Debug.Print InsertArrayFormula(Range("M1"), sFrm)
    End Sub
    Function InsertArrayFormula(r As Range, _
                  sFrm As String, _
                  iRef As XlReferenceStyle, _
                  Optional ByVal sFmt As String = "") As Boolean
      ' shg 2009, 2012
      ' Inserts the A1 or R1C1 array formula sFrm into r
      ' The VBE CANNOT have focus when this runs!
      Dim iRefSav   As XlReferenceStyle   ' current ref style
      Dim rSel    As Range        ' current selection
      If r.Worksheet.ProtectContents Then Exit Function
      Set rSel = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection
      With Application
        iRefSav = .ReferenceStyle
        .ReferenceStyle = iRef
        On Error GoTo Oops
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        With r.Areas(1)
          ' Can't put an array formula in cells that are
          ' not either all locked or all unlocked, so ...
          .Locked = .Cells(1).Locked
          ' Cache the number format, set to text, insert formula, restore format
          If Len(sFmt) = 0 Then sFmt = .NumberFormat
          .NumberFormat = "@"
          .Value = sFrm
          .NumberFormat = sFmt
          Application.Goto .Cells
        End With
        .SendKeys "{F2}^+~"
        .Goto rSel
        InsertArrayFormula = True
        .ReferenceStyle = iRefSav
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        Exit Function
      End With
      Resume Outtahere
    End Function
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    BTW, you might build the whole formula as a string and see if it's correct. Your first Replace is going to replace two instances, and the second will replace none.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    I dont think it will do all the work, but notice that after
    .Replace "X_X())", form2
    you have no single occurence of "X_X_X())" because all that used to look like that after first repalce look
    X_MATCH('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R" & rows & "C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R" & rows & "C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R" & rows & "C3,'EOD t-1'!R2C1:R" & rows & "C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R" & rows & "C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R" & rows & "C3,0))),
    so first try to

    .Replace "X_X_X())", form3
    .Replace "X_X())", form2
    Next: I'd personally work other way - first prepare valid formula as a string and only after having valid formula ready, assign it to a cell. (may be it is worth reconsidering and reconstruct formula, or use some extra region to make partial calculations and make main formula shorter).
    Last edited by Kaper; 12-19-2013 at 02:27 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    I ended up doing the following to get the long array entered, but when I went to copy and past the array down the column, I had to enter the copy and paste code into another sub. It works as long as I call them separately, but if I try to put them both in one sub or call one sub with the other, it copies down the exact formula without updating the row numbers and the cell that was copied is no longer an array. Any thoughts as to why this might be?

    Sub Array ()
        Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(R[0]C[-2]=0,SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1=EOD!RC[-7],IF('EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3=RC[-5],MATCH('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R80C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3,'EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R80C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3,0))),ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1)-ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1)+1),'EOD t-1'!R2C8:R80C8)),EOD!RC[-3]/(EOD!RC[-2]/100))"
        SendKeys "{F2}^+~"
    End Sub
    Sub MATH()
    Dim EODrows As Long
    EODrows = Range("G3").End(xlDown).Row
    Range("H3:H" & EODrows).Select
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End Sub

  6. #6
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    Last edited by shg; 12-20-2013 at 02:42 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    shg, I ended up using a lot of the code that you proposed and it worked in one instance, below:

    Function InsertArrayFormula(r As Range, totalrisk As String)
    Dim rSel As Range
    Set rSel = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection
    With Application
        With r.Areas(1)
            .Value = totalrisk
        Application.Goto .Cells
        End With
        .SendKeys "{F2}^+~"
        .Goto rSel
        InsertArrayFormula = True
    End With
    End Function
    Sub EOD_Total()
       Const totalrisk As String = "=IF(SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(EOD!R2C1:R80C1='EOD Summary'!RC[-2]," & vbLf & _
            "IF(EOD!R2C3:R80C3=""F"",MATCH(EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3,EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:" & vbLf & _
            "R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3,0))),ROW(EOD!R2C1:R80C1)-ROW(EOD!R2C1)+1),EOD!R2C8:R80C8))=0," & vbLf & _
            "SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1='EOD Summary'!RC[-2],IF('EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3=""F""," & vbLf & _
            "MATCH('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R80C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3,'EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1&" & vbLf & _
            "'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R80C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3,0))),ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1)-ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1)+1)," & vbLf & _
            "'EOD t-1'!R2C8:R80C8))+RC[-1],SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(EOD!R2C1:R80C1='EOD Summary'!RC[-2]," & vbLf & _
            "IF(EOD!R2C3:R80C3=""F"",MATCH(EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3,EOD!R2C1:R80C1&" & vbLf & _
        Debug.Print InsertArrayFormula(Range("C2"), totalrisk)
    End Sub
    However, when I tried the same thing with another formula, I receive a run time 1004 error message regarding the new constant, custrisk. I really appreciate all of the help so far and any insight here, would be a big help.


    Function InsertArrayFormula(r As Range, custrisk As String)
    Dim rSel As Range
    Set rSel = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection
    With Application
        With r.Areas(1)
            .Value = custrisk
        Application.Goto .Cells
        End With
        .SendKeys "{F2}^+~"
        .Goto rSel
        InsertArrayFormula = True
    End With
    End Function
    Sub EOD_Customer()
       Const custrisk As String = "=IF(SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(EOD!R2C1:R80C1='EOD Summary'!RC[-1]," & vbLf & _
            "IF(EOD!R2C3:R80C3=""C"",MATCH(EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3," & vbLf & _
            "EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3,0))),ROW(EOD!R2C1:R80C1)-ROW(EOD!R2C1)+1)," & vbLf & _
            "EOD!R2C8:R80C8))+SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(EOD!R2C1:R80C1='EOD Summary'!RC[-1],IF(EOD!R2C3:R80C3=""M""," & vbLf & _
            "MATCH(EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3,EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3," & vbLf & _
            "0))),ROW(EOD!R2C1:R80C1)-ROW(EOD!R2C1)+1),EOD!R2C8:R80C8))=0,SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF('EOD t-1'!R2C1:" & vbLf & _
            "R80C1='EOD Summary'!RC[-1],IF('EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3=""C"",MATCH('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1&" & vbLf & _
            "'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R80C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3,'EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R80C2&" & vbLf & _
            "'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3,0))),ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1)-ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1)+1),EOD t-1'!R2C8:R80C8))" & vbLf & _
            "+SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1='EOD Summary'!RC[-1],IF('EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3=""M""," & vbLf & _
            "MATCH('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R80C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3," & vbLf & _
            "'EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1&'EOD t-1'!R2C2:R80C2&'EOD t-1'!R2C3:R80C3,0))),ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1:R80C1)-" & vbLf & _
            "ROW('EOD t-1'!R2C1)+1),'EOD t-1'!R2C8:R80C8)),SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(EOD!R2C1:R80C1=" & vbLf & _
            "'EOD Summary'!RC[-1],IF(EOD!R2C3:R80C3=""C"",MATCH(EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3," & vbLf & _
            "EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3,0))),ROW(EOD!R2C1:R80C1)-ROW(EOD!R2C1)+1)," & vbLf & _
            "EOD!R2C8:R80C8))+SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(EOD!R2C1:R80C1='EOD Summary'!RC[-1],IF(EOD!R2C3:R80C3=""M""," & vbLf & _
            "MATCH(EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&EOD!R2C3:R80C3,EOD!R2C1:R80C1&EOD!R2C2:R80C2&" & vbLf & _
        Debug.Print InsertArrayFormula(Range("B2"), custrisk)
    End Sub

  8. #8
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    shg--I tried using the code you recommended, but to be honest, I did not understand a lot of what it was doing and could not get it to work in the way that it looks like it was intended which was to enter the array you defined as a constant into cell M1.


  9. #9
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    Post the workbook?
    Last edited by shg; 12-20-2013 at 02:34 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    I updated the insertarrayforumla function to incorporate everything you had in yours and it returns an error--argument not optional, so it seems to be looking for inputs to the other two portions of the function, the xlReferenceStyle and the Optional ByVal. I actually tried guessing some inputs for these and it crashed excel, so I am updating the function again. It seems reasonable that it is looking for the other two arguments, how does it work for you without the last two?

    Thanks again.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Long Array Formulas Using VBA

    Sorry, this line

    Debug.Print InsertArrayFormula(Range("M1"), sFrm)
    should be

    Debug.Print InsertArrayFormula(Range("M1"), sFrm, xlR1C1)
    The last argument specifies the reference style of the formula.

    With that change, it worked fine.

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