Thanks again for your response! Oddly enough, this code works but only if my formulas have the IF(ref="","",ref) convention, but unfortunately, it puts me back in the same position of iterating through many cells and the time it takes to process is about the same as my original code. I'm not sure if you were referring to hiding the formulas (as in protect sheet) or just hiding 0s... I'm also not sure why your first code didn't work but it did with the FOR EACH loop. I even tried defining the ranges.
I actually did get my array solution to check the IF<>EMPTY condition based on array index but then I run into another issue: using Union to join two non-contiguous ranges. Which is why in the following code I had to dim my array as A:C and then of course in the scope of things I am once again not speeding up the process very much. This has been a difficult one for me.