I am currently using the following code to cope information from sheet 1 to numeous othe sheets based and vaues in column I. The code works perfectly, however, as time goes by new information will be added to certain cells in the rows in sheet1 i.e. sheet 1 will constanty be updated with new informaton. I still need to run my code to copy over the rows from sheet 1 to their repsective sheets, based on the names in column I. However, I am trying to find a way to overwrite/delete the duplicate rows that are created (in the name sheets) when I run the code repeadty ater each update. The values in column I wil not change but the others will. Thus I was hoping to ask for you guys's help to incorporate a line in the code that I am using that will do this.
I tried adding: ws.UsedRange.ClearContents '' after ws.Activate but that just wiped all the info from every sheet (good thing I used a backup ). Im really new to this so I apologize if this is very clear cut and basic for you guys but I am trying to learn. Anyway thanks in advance and I'll appreaciate any help that I can get!