The following formula adds a row for me when a certain cell has a 4. If it has 5-8 it adds 2 rows. If the values is 9-12 it adds 3 rows.

PHP Code: 
Sub Row_Addition() 'This adds rows If I have more than 4 pictures per Pole
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 79 To 5 Step -1
        Debug.Print i
        Select Case Cells(i, "N").Value
            Case 5 To 8
                Cells(i + 1, "N").EntireRow.Insert
            Case 9
                Range(Cells(i + 1, "N"), Cells(i + 2, "N")).EntireRow.Insert
            Case 10 To 12
                Cells(i + 1, "N").EntireRow.Insert
            Case 13
                Range(Cells(i + 1, "N"), Cells(i + 3, "N")).EntireRow.Insert
        End Select
    Next i
End Sub 
What I don't know how to do is, how can I add in the same macro...

1) If a row is being added, how can I also add on the new row, exactly what is above ?2 (?= Column Letter)
2) If 2 rows are being added, how can I add to those 2 new rows exactly what is above ?2 (?= Column Letter)
3) If 3 rows... etc.

4) Also, C5 and D5 are merged. How can I (in this macro) also tell the row addition macro to merge ?5 & (?+1)5?

5) I have a set of formulas on O5, P5, Q5, and R5. When i add rows, I also need the rows to be populated where usually by hand you highlight then, and drag on the bottom right hand corner... EXCEPT that when they get added where the new rows are added (due to the macro), a slight change needs to happen...

This is formula for O5


If there will be a row addition (a new Row 6), then O6 must be

Which is similar if you just highlight and drag down, EXCEPT THAT Sheet1!J3 MUST SAY Sheet1!J2. Everything else is good.

Any help is greatly appreciated.