Hello Everyone!
In attached sheet, want to populate a new name as 'VACCINE' for column 'DNAME' (irrespective of text present or absent) when encounter the text as 'AVCM_12' or 'CHINA_11'
in column 'DEPTNO'
Advance thanks
Hello Everyone!
In attached sheet, want to populate a new name as 'VACCINE' for column 'DNAME' (irrespective of text present or absent) when encounter the text as 'AVCM_12' or 'CHINA_11'
in column 'DEPTNO'
Advance thanks
Option Explicit Sub macro_1() Dim count For count = 2 To Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row If Range("F" & count) = "AVCM_12" Or Range("F" & count) = "CHINA_11" Then Range("A" & count) = "VACCINE" Next count End Sub
Hi Abraham,
try this..
Sub test() With Range("A1").CurrentRegion .AutoFilter 6, "CHINA_11", xlOr, "AVCM_12" .Columns(1).Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).SpecialCells(12).Value = "VACCINE" .AutoFilter End With End Sub
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